Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bewitched Discussion
One of the strongest and perhaps oldest emotions of mankind is fear, and the most intriguing fear is the fear of the unknown. The idea of fear inspires classic and contemporary writers to explore the things that cannot be seen or fully comprehended by human understanding, from the element of fear of the unknown to the exploration of something metaphysical that motivates detachment from life. One of the common themes in relation to fear that is explored in â€Å"Bewitched†is the subject of supernatural.Classified under the supernatural genre, the Bewitched story by Ueda Akinari can be compared to the story of the â€Å"Beauty or the Beast†in contemporary literature where animals are used symbolically to imply something significant about the literature. However, the woman who turned out to be a snake in â€Å"Bewitched†is deeper and harder to explain than the man who became a beast in â€Å"Beauty and the Beast. †This is because the stories of the Japane se writer Akinari were made during 18th century where religion was highly discussed and debated.Human awareness regarding religion or divinity was very limited. In fact, the author’s religious conviction and orientation about paganism is reflected in his works. In a way, the story of â€Å"bewitched†is also like the story of the falling angel â€Å"Lucifer. †Bewitched is aesthetically unique and creative because Akinari initially and creatively delved into how to twist something wonderful into something unappealing yet stimulating.However, aside from this, there are presently limited stories that are similar to Akinari’s Bewitched story. Even in the early 20th century in the West, contemporary literature explored the topic of politics and societal concerns as a means of social movement for public awakening. Most of the contemporary literary pieces nowadays under the horror genre do not touch on the topic of supernatural kind; rather, most of them deal w ith the horrifying side of human nature.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Why We Hate the Smart Kids
Shamyra Jones Vejea Jennings English 097 March 23, 2013 Why Do We Hate The Smart Kids? My initial reaction to Grant Penrod essay was flabbergasting because even thou I am not in high school anymore I could look back and remember how all the jocks did get more recognition then the nerds. In my days at school the nerds were the smart people or the teacher’s pet. According to Grant Penrod, â€Å"Social stereotypes began to emerge as early as high school. †(Grant. Chapter 57 Pg. 692) I agree with Grant because I remember when I was in the 10th grade walking with my friend Amber. e would always hang out in the quad area because that’s where all the popular kids hung out until one day we asked each other, â€Å" Why don’t we ever hang out in the back?. †So we were heading down to the back of the school, and as eyes took in the scenery Amber whispered, â€Å"We can’t stay here. †We knew we couldn’t stay because everyone in the back w as â€Å"nerds†or Geeks†and we didn’t want to be perceived as any one of those titles so we scurried to the quad again. But you have to ask yourself,†If teenagers judge the smart kids, then how does society judge other groups? But being Invisible follows you into adulthood it does not end in high school because if someone was to invent something new and helpful and it became a success a very few people would know who invented the item, and that’s because the name of the person is not gloried as much as the creation. â€Å"Ignoring intellectuals both in both in school and later on in life crushes its victims. †(Grant . Chapter 57 pg. 694) When I was younger my parents always scolded at me, â€Å"you have to get an education, and if you don’t you will be jobless and out on the streets! And I would always reply back, â€Å"Then why do alot of football players and majority of the actors do and didn’t even finish high school. Wh y do they make more than people who actually graduated college? †That question is always in the back of my mind. â€Å" Why do people who spend years in school make minimum wage but the people who are actors or rappers make billions of dollars and barely have any education?. †That’s a question I always wanted to ask but no one, not even my parents, seem to have the answer.Personally I think teachers should make the most since they are ones who actually teach everyone; including the doctors, nurses and firefighters. But it seems like everything is backwards: Instead the actors making billions and trillions, it should be the people who save like firefighters and doctors. I never quite understood it but what’s to understand. I was never into popularity like my peers were because I was brought up on being the â€Å"Smart kid†and don’t be a statistic. Related essay: Example Essay: How to Study SmartMy parents believed if you joined tons of clubs in middle school and in high school you get good grades in all the four years you were in high school then you would go to an excellent University and live comfortable for the rest of your life. My parents encouraged me to be â€Å"The nerd. †Don’t fit in! But like Grant mentioned in his essay that nerds are never gloried as much as the football players. Even thou I wasn’t into popularity I still wanted to be acknowledged for my intellectuality which was belittled.But wanting to â€Å"fit in†in high school was common, no one wants the title â€Å"nerds†, because if you are a nerd then you are never asked out, never invited to any parties or have any friends just because you are a nerd. â€Å"Nerds†are excluded from social activity because of their label, and that label in turn intensifies through the resulting lack of social contact. †(Gr ant Penrod) It could be due to the media because majority broadcast you don’t have to be smart to be successful.And if you look on the internet and see how much doctors make verses singers it is a big difference. I am not saying all singers or rappers didn’t go to school or/and they are not smart, but some do not have doctorates and make 80,000 a day. Lawyers don’t even make that much and they been in school for years. For being in school all those years you would think it would pay off. If I were a kid now I would think,†why go to school if I could just become a rapper or a singer and make more than people who actually go to school for years? That is the way a lot of teenagers are thinking; about dropping out of high school because a lot of my guy friends are dropouts because they are noticing rappers are making more than people who graduated colleges. â€Å"Most people affected by the media are teenagers†(Grant Penrod). But that is because a lot of teenagers do what they call â€Å"what’s in†. If smoking is cool then majority of the teens will do it just because everyone is doing it . Some nerds will also go that far just to â€Å"fit in†. But fitting in does not guarantee automatically popularity.I think you don’t have to hide your intellectuality for other people benefits, it’s not a handicap. It’s a gift that should be spread like a virus and acted upon on. You never know you may change someone life, you might inspire a drop-out to go back to school and get a degree because that is what we need in our society. Everyone is forgetting how important knowledge is and going for the short cut in life. Being someone helpful in the future requires enriching your knowledge; not just by improving it. When you enrich your knowledge you are improving for a better future; not just yours the generation next.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
LDL Cholesterol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
LDL Cholesterol - Essay Example Therefore, it is not easy for anyone to know whether they are in danger or not. As a matter of caution, people are advised to have their cholesterol levels assessed regularly. These checks are conducted through ‘lipoprotein profile’ blood tests (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The total level of cholesterol is significant in determining the risk of CHD in any individual. The total cholesterol level is computed by adding bad (LDL cholesterol), good cholesterol (HDL) and triglycerides. The difference between LDL and HDL is that LDL contributes to the build up and blockage of arteries, whereas; HDL prevents cholesterol build within arteries. Comprehensive assessment of cholesterol levels requires a lipoprotein profile test. However, where this is not possible one can still get a general idea on the probable level of their cholesterol and risk level. Cholesterol measures are done in milligrams (mg) per deciliter of blood (dL), and any levels above 200mg/dL or below 40mg/dL require that a lipoprotein profile be conducted (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The levels of HDL should be preferably higher (at least 60 mg/dL) because of the positive role of protecting against CHD. However, levels below 40 mg/dL should be worrying because this level is below minimum and could be a risk because it increases chances of CHD (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The risk of getting CHD is determined by multiple factors including cholesterol levels, lifestyle and pre-existent conditions such as diabetes (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The risk of developing CHD is determined by considering the risk factors, which are scored against the scale established in the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The FRS is made up of a number of scoring systems for determining the probability of an individual to get CHD. The first step entails assessing the number of risk factors that an individual possesses. Each
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Project Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Project Leadership - Essay Example and implementation of the new training management system, as well as monitor company-wide training attendance and identify people who are â€Å"out of compliance.†Besides, I also predict the resistance that I may face from departments, such as manufacturing, who will be required to use tools they have never used or refused to use before. I am confident on my abilities that I will be able to overcome their resistance through a systematic approach. I know that the resistance is basically because as of now they were exposed to instructor-led training, and they often have shunned implementation of any web-based system. They also have a fear that their responsibilities as Department managers’ will increase. They will be required to learn how to use the system to assign courses to their direct reports and monitor the timely completion of the courses. Though my responsibilities during the initial stages will be challenging I am confident on my abilities and my strengths to overcome these situation. With my current experience as a Manager of the Information Technology department and also my previous experiences I am sure to rise up to your expectations. As a manager the following will be my roles. I will be solely responsible for this project and its successful completion. I will be working in close association with my associates and ensure that adequate resources are applied. I will also have the responsibility to utilize the resources in a most efficient manner and complete the project successfully on time. I will also take this opportunity to plan and tailor methodology to reflect the project needs. Besides I will also be responsible for regular reviews of project status, set standards for training, monitor progress, and also maintain records up-to-date. The most important qualities required by a manager are interpersonal skills, organizational skills, good communication, efficient problem solving skills and professional training. I am confident that with my
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Greek Easter or the American Easter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Greek Easter or the American Easter - Essay Example Easter primarily is the celebration of Jesus' triumph over death and mankind's hope for eternal life. Some of the main features behind the original Easter story are Jesus' execution, his burial and most significantly his rising from death. Christians believe that according to the Scripture, Jesus came back to life three days after his death on the cross, which is observed through the Good Friday, always the Friday before Easter. Through his death, burial and resurrection it is believed that Jesus paid the penalty for his sins and obtained eternal life for all who believe in him. Although it is the celebration of the same truth in history, the methods of celebration differ quiet a bit. In USA the name of this Holy Day is Easter. It is derived from the pagan goddess of dawn, "Eostre". Since Eostre was a pagan goddess, in some churches it is considered inappropriate to refer to this Holy Day with the name of a pagan goddess. However, the word Easter is simply used to refer to this holiday only, with no connotation what so ever with the pagan goddess bared in mind. In most other languages including Greek, Easter is called Pascha, related to the Hebrew word Pesach, for Passover. This is because the early Christians linked this celebration to Passover. Along Along with differences in names there are also differences in the ways this holiday is celebrated. If the holiday is being celebrated in the US, one can expect to see the famous Easter parades. Another famous tradition is of egg hunting for hidden eggs. This became known as the Easter Egg Roll, gaining popularity in the late 1800s. Children rolled eggs on the grounds of the US capitol the congress was not happy about this and outlawed the practice. In 1878, President Hayes and his wife Lucy invited children to roll eggs on the lawn of the White House itself, starting a tradition which still continues today. Another US tradition is the Easter Bunny, in many cultures it is viewed as the bunny as symbol of fertility. The reason behind accepting this view was that centuries ago, Pope Gregory I allowed people to keep pagan symbols such as eggs and bunny as long as they can be recast in Christian terms. In Greece the celebrations truly begin two months before Easter. They start with the festival called Apokria, in which a huge paper mache effigy of Judas is set on fire. The next Monday is called Clean or Ash Monday it is one of the most festive days of the year for the Greeks. Children and parents gather on the hills of Athens and the Greek countryside to fly kites and enjoy picnics and than Lent begins. Holy Thursday is the day when all Greek families prepare dyed red eggs. Tradition says that the Virgin Mother dyed eggs red to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and to celebrate life. This is a big part of the Easter Sunday. On Good Friday flags at homes and government buildings are set at half mast to mark the sorrowful day. Holy Saturday is filled with anticipation of Easter. People gather at town squares and churches and by 11 P.M. the Easter Services start. Large white candles are lit and are carried by everyone. At midnight the church bells ring and the priests announce Christos Anesti (Christ has risen) and fireworks are set off. The celebration contin ues on the Sunday with great Easter feasts. This is brings us
Monday, August 26, 2019
Marketing Research on Internet Television Essay
Marketing Research on Internet Television - Essay Example It would be conducted using qualitative method, along with two sets of Questionnaires, first, containing personal data about the respondents, and second, the relevant rankings of the preferences in the score 1-5, 1 being assigned for strong disagreement, and progressive rankings given for level of preferences till rank 5 for strong agreement, ascribed to the highest preference or usage liking. A Sample of Personal data Questionnaire is being attached as an Appendix to this work. The Main Statements that would be put forth to the respondents and tested are as follows:1. The respondents believe that these forms or mediums are easy to use given the benefits and satisfaction of watching television on them. Computer Terminals, Mobile phones, iPod, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, PDA. 2. The respondents favour watching internet Television on the following mediums: Computer Terminals, Mobile phones, iPod, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, PDA. 3. The respondents intend to watch Television on the following mediums: Computer Terminals, Mobile phones, iPod, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, and PDA. 4. The respondents have actually used internet TV on the following mediums and have been satisfied with its use: Computer Terminals, Mobile phones, iPod, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, and PDA. 5. TV on the following mediums will be useful in improving the respondents' life style and standard of living: Computer Terminals, Mobile phones, iPod, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, and PDA. The Methodology would need to consider the following aspects pertaining to the survey: Objective: The main objective of this research study would be to determine the popularity levels of computer terminals vis--vis other devices for television viewing. This also needs to consider the relative ranking of... The work is aimed at finding out popularity of TV in comparison with other digital means in the UK. The author carries out a survey to determine the ranking of popularity of television against its main competitors – computer terminals, Mobile phones, iPod, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, and PDA. The survey is a number of house-to-house surveys in a district of Sussex, England. The experiment with the questionnaire, interviews, focus group respondents, external secondary data are thoroughly described. The author comes to conclusions that accordingly to the facts and figures that have been made available in this study, the active role of internet computer technology forms the nucleus of any modern business or recreational need. At the same time the author points out the disadvantages of the internet dominance. Its overuse can become a form of abuse also and in the process, it creates more harm than good. For one thing, it could veer children away from their educational and career pursui ts and create addiction on a larger scale, which may require counseling and intervention if allowed to continue over a long time period. This obsession with television and the internet should be controlled effectively in order to develop and nourish individual capacities and, in the larger scale, one’s physical and psychological health. While it needs to be given the wider depth in the context of modern ecommerce aided business, it also needs to be controlled and managed effectively to build up a healthier environment.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Symbolism (answer the questions) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Symbolism (answer the questions) - Assignment Example Certain sports teams have different logos and team colors and generally, when seeing that code, people know what team is being discussed in the media, regardless of the sport and even on different levels such as professional or college. The infamous # (hash tag) is becoming more popular as a symbol in media. It represents a trending topic on social media and where stories on Twitter or Facebook might be found which relate to a topic that might be discussed on television or even in a magazine. A pink ribbon is a code symbol for breast cancer awareness. A yellow ribbon is a code to bring soldiers back home. There really are symbols everywhere which point to American culture and when we see them, we recognize them pretty quickly. 2. In my environment, I recognize the symbols on college campuses of different athletic teams or sororities and fraternities. I know that logos are a major part of symbols which are used in the environment around us. Since I am a member of social media, I commonly will go to webpages online and see symbols for other social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Youtube and know that I can share information there or even find more information on a certain topic there. Television stations have their own symbols. NBC is obviously a peacock and when a show is on, the symbol pops up so that people know they are watching that television network. I notice crosses which are representative of a religious group. I know that I have been around people who display the Confederate flag which sometimes correlates with racism. Naturally, I have noticed that many people wear clothing with certain labels on them which stereotype them or give them a certain status. It is common to see pe ople in UnderArmour clothing and the brand is labeled with a unique symbol and Victoria’s Secret line for girls often has PINK written on it so many people know that it’s a Victoria’s Secret item. The clothing appeals to a certain status. 3.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Decision Making - Assignment Example In this step, one should be weary of confirmation bias, which makes one ignore incoming information because they have already decided what is best. The narrator states that dilemmas might make it hard to make decisions, as one might find themselves stuck in cyclical indecisiveness. External and internal pressure might cause one to resort to the following: make impulsive decision or delay or avoid decision-making process. The narrator outlines the following decision making skills, which help ease the decision making process: Neuromodulators such as serotonin play a crucial role in influencing the decisions we make. Therefore, the narrator suggests that it is best to make decisions in the morning compared to making them in the afternoon, as serotonin levels are higher in the morning. Decisions made later in the day are more risk-averse, as one tends to gravitate towards the status-quo bias. This leads to indecision, as many opt to postpone making the decisions. Decisions trigger anxiety within the individual tasked with the decision-making responsibility, as one is constantly evaluating whether they considered all the relevant factors prior to making the decision. It is easier to make a decision solely compared to making a decision after considering other people’s different perspectives. The narrator uses the example of dictatorship and democratic regimes whereby, he claims the latter are plagued with decision-making
Friday, August 23, 2019
Buddhism - A Spiritual Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Buddhism - A Spiritual Religion - Essay Example There is no single text of Buddhism that is followed all over the world as a number of different Buddhist texts are followed by its practitioners. The Buddhists are divided into different traditions and beliefs according to which, they follow different texts such as Theravada Buddhists use Pali Canon as trustworthy and reliable for their religious practices and Mahayana Buddhists use Mahayana Sutras for their scriptural teachings (Fierser and Powers 2007). Pali Tipitaka is also a Buddhist scripture that is regarded as a reliable scriptural work for many Buddhist practices and traditions by Theravadas (Fierser and Powers 2007). Therefore, there are many Buddhist scriptural works followed by different Buddhists all over the world. Buddha preached his enlightenments consisting of all the principles of right action, right speech, right thinking, right livelihood, right intention, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. Buddha teaches that by learning to live a morally perfect life of a person, after the succession of births and rebirths, ceases to be reborn and enters what he called Nirvana, a spiritual condition free of all desires, passions and sufferings (Ellwood and McGraw 2004). Meditation is the basic practice of Buddhist followers. It is said that the founder of this religion himself achieved spirituality and enlightenment on the basis of meditation. There are two kinds of meditative practices, which are Shamatha and Vipassana. These meditative practices are considered essential for acquiring spirituality. In Buddhism, The meditative approaches of mindfulness and concentration are utilized. (Bowker, 1997: 176). â€Å"The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life. For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to discover your true nature, and so find the stability and confidence you will need to live and die, well. Meditation is the road to enlightenment†.
Roxanne Swentzell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Roxanne Swentzell - Essay Example The artwork by Roxanne gives full focus on the human beings and their daily interaction with the environment. The term environment here refers to the general surrounding. As in people besides the other person, are they the work one does, house chores, defined by gender or political aspects. Human on the other aspect refers to any person. Young or old, a child, woman or even boys. She tries to express her feelings through them and the effects of the environment to their lives. Or even the impact of their lives on the environment. Humans react differently to their environment. Roxanne has strived to bring out the aspect of their feelings. She has balanced the emotional dimensions of the children, shyness, and love to children and how they interact with each other from the general perspective (Swentzell, Roxanne, & Gussie 44). In her artwork of making babies for Indian women, she has designed a Pueblo woman. The woman has a port on her head and babies are emanating from it. Others carried on her laps, some standing on her shoulder while she seats on the ground. The one standing is eager to know who these others are coming from the pot. The sculpture is symbolic. The port represents the birth process. Pueblo is African in nature. From the cultural view, African women should bore and rare to a big number of children and manage it the best way possible. It is disbelief that children are sources of wealth and symbol of a wealthy family. The pot is symbolizing the woman’s uterus: an organ in which conception takes place. Before been expelled through the birth canal, that is the neck of the pot to the point where the children are seen peeping. These depict that an African woman is expected to be very healthy and fertile. In turn, it will enable her conceive as many children as possible. The man, on the other hand, will deal with the task of rearing, educating them. The artist
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Ancient Greeks Essay Example for Free
Ancient Greeks Essay Greek ages were a very unforgiving religious era. Athens was the capital of Greece. Ancient Greeks interpreted the bible and other religious teachings very literally. Kings and their followers believed they were obligated to impersonate the gods. Greek theatre lasted a short time. The changes resulting from the Greek era are infinite. In 1677, Jean Racine, created Phedre. The film was a violent tragedy. The main characters were; Phedre, Wife of the King; Theseus, King of Athens; Hippolytes; Son of the king; Aricia; Princess Hippolytus falls in love with. Theseus killed Aricias six bothers. The play contains violence, anger, deceitfulness. The rulers were certain this were the proper way to honor and obey the Gods. â€Å"Wars were frequent and whenever one occurred all the serfs controlled by the local lords were forced to take part†(Yudkin, P 64). Not everything about this era was negative. Ancient Greece history lasted one century. The entire country did not exceed 150, 000 people (Cohen, Theatre: Sixth Edition P. 59). Genius inventions and developments were invented. Theatre drew crowds. Sometimes, the audience stood up in the pit to watch the performances. They had no technology or measuring devices. Pyramids were built. Epidaurus theatres were built. Seats were hundred of feet up. There were no microphones or audio devices. The actors were at the bottom of the stages. The actors were heard by everyone. Working conditions improved. Education, although not available to everyone, started to become more widespread. Jean Racines, Phedra The overall content of the play Phedre, was tragedy, death and violence. Death was anticipated, not feared. The recognition of life were expected to evolve after death. Everything honored Gods. Their death honored the Gods. The characters in Phedra, saw their death as a celebration. Phedra speaks of seeing her daughter for the last time. â€Å"What! Still are you in love with death? Shall I ne’er see you, reconciled to life, Forego those cruel acts of despair? †Death is part of their life. Then Phaedra responds â€Å"Would I were seated in the forest’s shade! When may I follow with delighted eye, Thro glorious dust flying in full career, A Chariot. †(Racine, Phedra) Phedra could not wait for her final hour. Life expectancies were short. Forty years old were the life expectancy. It was also an honor to the Gods to kill anyone who disgraced their kingdom. All good they did was honored years after they died. Likewise, all disgrace associated with the Kingdom were recognized after death. Panope informs Phedra of her husband’s death. â€Å"Fain would I hide from you tidings so sad, But ‘tis my duty, Madam to reveal them. The had of death has seized your peerless husband, And you are the last to hear of this disaster. The queen, deceived by a vain trust in Heav’n, begs safe return for Theseeus, while Hipplytus his son Learns of his death from vessels that now in port. Phaedra responds â€Å"Ye Gods! †(Racine, Phedra) Slavery was common. â€Å"Most people were serfs and spent their lives in miserable conditions†(Yudkin, P 64). Slavery was not glorified. Death was. Enone is convincing Phedra to live. If she lives her son becomes a king. If she dies, he becomes a slave. â€Å"Madam, Theseus is no more, you must supply his place. He leaves a son, A slave if you should die, but if you live, a king. †Phedra replies, â€Å"To your consent, Yes, I will live, if life can be restored, if my affection for a son has pow’r to rouse my sinking heart at such a dangerous hour. †(Racine, Phedra) Since the king has died, the son becomes the next king. Phedra agreed to live longer. The plays in the Greek era speak as though death is a choice. Every aspect of life was influenced by religion. Music and singing had one purpose. The purpose was to worship the gods. Composers wrote songs with religious meanings and teachings. The Greeks music in theatres began with chanting in church. The chanting by theatre actors was recited the exact same as it was in church. Monks stayed in a chapel for days on end chanting in musical harmony. Monks chanting was described as â€Å"several people may be singing one line in unison, but there is no accompaniment and no harmony†(Yudkin P 65). Songs or what was considered songs, were created from prayers. â€Å"Because Christianity was the dominate religion as well as the principle unifying feature of much of Europe, most of the surviving music from the medieval period was for use in Christian religious services†(Yudkin, P 62-69). As with music, dance had religious meanings. Liturgical dancers in white robes performed in churches and for religious ceremonies. Dancing worshiped the gods, send messages to the gods, and got attention from the gods. Dances interpret bible stories. Sometimes, stories are clearer by acting out the interpretations. Young children and older grandparent’s attention span last longer with music and movements. â€Å"Dance in the west took a separate course from the east in its development. Records of dance during the dark ages are few, although folk dancing and ritual celebrations almost certainly continued†(Cohen, Dance Workshop P. 16-23). Belly dancing progressed. In the Greek era, belly dancing were taught to Middle Eastern women to prepare them for child birth. Midwives borned the babies. They had no fancy hospitals, no medication, or injections to ease the task of childbirth. Belly dancing through a woman’s pregnancy made childbirth much easier. Ballet played an important in religious settings. It was popularized during the Renaissance/William Shakespeare era. In the 17th century, men had to prove they were proficient at ballet before they could hold any positions relevant to legislation. King Louis XIV was a professional dancer. â€Å"The steps as we know ballet evolved out of the 17th century†(Ellison, P 9-11). Ballets were performed for church services, just as liturgical dances were. Athens, or Greece, is famous for training and turning out superior Olympic athletes. A child started training for the Olympics at a very young age. People in the Greek era were Genius that surpasses advanced technology of today. Athens refused to admit defeat. Defeat was not defined as winning or losing one game. Athens may have lost one game. For them the war was not over if they lost. Athens did not allow disabled people into their country. If kings or soldiers were hurt in war, they were not allowed to return to Athens. Grandparents were responsible for putting deformed newborns to death. A disabled newborn was considered a disgrace to the kingdom. Greeks believed they would be punished by the gods if they allowed a deformed newborn to live. Everyone had physical task to do. Women and children had physically active lifestyles. Renaissance era was the beginning of development in all areas. Renaissance theatre focused on humans, not groups. Renaissance was not atheist era. Shakespeare changed what was believed to be religious. In the Greek era, it was anti-Christian to educate a woman. Anyone who educated a woman was killed. Their death was considered a disgrace. The educated woman was killed. Shakespeare introduced the idea of allowing women to perform in theatre. At the time, young boys played all female parts. Phedra was written during the Renaissance or Shakespeare ages. The setting of the play, however were in the Greek ages. Greek theatre established religious beliefs. Renassiance era challenged those beliefs. Greeks were firmly convinced they could not go wrong if honoring the gods. The behavior or actions were not considered. Jean Racine’s wrote Phedre, in the Renaissance era to show how much the beliefs and cultures have progresses since the Greek ages.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Apple Code Of Ethics Supplier Responsibility Commerce Essay
Apple Code Of Ethics Supplier Responsibility Commerce Essay Organizations are composed of physical resources and human resources. There is always an interaction between the two and these interactions are done to meet the objectives of the organization. There are always set policies and procedures to come up with the desired results. These policies and procedures are products of the management of the organization in as much as they are the ones in-charge of how the company would be run. The main objective of the organization is to maximize profit because with profit maximization, surely there will be benefits that will redound to its human force and the community it serves. There are always activities and tasks that need manipulation of resources to the best advantage of the organization. It is however, mandated by laws and regulations and also of ethics and morality that the activities and moves of the human force be in consonance with the norms of society. Thus, it is understood that in an organization, there is in most cases a set of conduc ts and behavior which is normally called Code of Ethics. Apple Computer is not an exception. As it thrives in its business in the field of technology, the company and all its workforce is expected to be in compliance with its code of ethics. As it goes through its expansion and success in its chosen field, Apple has required its suppliers to commit with heart and soul to the Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure that they conform to what are expected of them. The Apple Supplier Code of Conduct discussed here is taken from the website of and is intended to all those companies that supply materials and good which later become part of the products sold and manufactured by Apple. INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY More probably in the field of technology, there is no person who doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t know the founder of Apple. Steve Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak were the founders of Apple and this company was incorporated in the state of California in the year 1977. Just like any other companies, Apple is its mission. A mission statement is the guiding principle of a business. It explains why the business exists, what it does and how it do business (Holston, 2011). Apple has the mission of bringing the best computing experience to the world. Its intended users are the students, educators, professionals, business men and all those people who are technology-enthusiasts. This explains why apple exists. What it does is to create changes in the world through modern technology like computers, iPad, systems and structures like the software and hardware it produces. Today, Apple does not only cater their products to their intended users when they first had it invented, it has expanded its usage to almost everybody from all walks of life regardless of social and economic status. ETHICAL SYSTEM USED Apple as mentioned in the earlier paragraph requires its suppliers to comply with its code of conducts or code of ethics. Its code embodies the ideals and principles by which the company goes. The code is inclusive of the standard norms of conduct which cover labor standards, health and safety, environmental responsibility, ethics and management commitment. Adherence to labor laws and regulations is mandated by Apple to its suppliers in a way that Apple, Inc. itself does business. It does not want to do business with companies that are not in compliance with laws. Discrimination of employees based on origin, races, culture, ages and other demographic characteristics as well as religion is not allowed. This form of discrimination and employment policy does not have a place in the company of Apple. Fair treatment of employees especially in terms of fringe benefits and working condition are some of those principles embedded in the code. Employees should be in a workplace free from physi cal harm and should always be under safe working conditions. Also part of the code is the freedom of association. Of course, it is understood here that the association should be a healthy one and not for the purpose of creating lawlessness and instability in the workplace. Environmental responsibility is one of the primary responsibilities that Apple requires its suppliers to have. This means corporate responsibility and by this, the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s suppliers must commit to improve environmental condition. The world is not getting any bigger and cleaner primarily because of the scarcity of resources that people canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t help but take advantage of them for their sustenance. The suppliers must give back to the community it serves. This can be done by being environment-friendly. Being green and paperless is one way of giving back to the community. Ethics is always conceived to be an integral part of an organization and companies. This code of ethics have been f ound to be useful in the conduct and behavior of managers and employees especially in avoiding harm to customers and others (Goodwin, 2002). Apple adheres to behavior that are considered by majority to be correct and ethical. For this reason, its suppliers must be ethical also in the conduct of its business. To come up with what are in the Supplier Code of Conduct, the use of management system is a good tool. The management system of implementing the code is with Apple, Inc. itself monitoring compliance of its suppliers with the requisites of the code. It would sometimes designate an outside company to visit the site of the suppliers for monitoring purposes. Inspection and audit of documents and papers like payroll, timecards, workersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ records and practices are considered to see, verify and confirm compliance. A supplier found not in compliance is further investigated and later discharged as a supplier if investigation turns out unfavorable. In this case, the suppliers are warned of the consequence of not following the dictates of the code. Apple has been following the ethical system of ends-driven. The existence of Apple is based on its mission to provide an experience in computers to its users, an experience that they have never had before. This is the purpose or the goal of the founders which has been extended to its employees and management. To achieve this goal, the company has to offer products that are best in quality and usage. Quality products are produced and manufactured by happy and satisfied employees and these employees thrive in a company where their interests are preserved and protected. USAGE OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT The Supplier Code of Conduct is useful not only to the employees but to all the members in the organization. The rights and interests of the employees are to be protected because they not only comprise the main bulk of the human force but they are the ones who turn the raw materials into finished products for delivery to Apple. They should receive fringe and benefits commensurate to their skills and qualifications. The managers on the other hand are also benefitting from the code because the care and protection they give the employees radiate to them in terms of quality work and commitment. To the board of directors, the code is the guide on how it will strategize policies and procedures to make the company an enticing place to work. SUMMARY The Supplier Code of Conduct for the suppliers of Apple is an example of how a business should do business with others. A company does not need only resources, physical and human. There is a need for rules, standards and norms on how business should be conducted. Apple is one among those businesses that is not afraid to enforce some requirements to its suppliers. If only other companies would follow Apple, there could be certainty that all the supplies delivered by companies to other companies for their use will be of quality. This is because excellent products are manufactured by excellent people. Excellent people exist in excellent companies whose codes of conduct are followed. There is no doubt, this is one of the factors that spell success of Apple, Inc., the company that has provided mankind a legacy of technology beyond compare.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Zeus: The man, the myth, the legend
Zeus: The man, the myth, the legend         Throughout the pantheon of Greek and Roman myth many of the gods are depicted in only one, revered gaze. Zeus on the on the other hand is depicted as many things which include; the ruler of the other gods, a brother, a warrior, a tyrant, a just king, a vengeful deity, an adulterer and a rapist. Zeus embodies what many perceived to be perfect masculinity in antiquity. He was the target of deception and revenge, mostly from his angered wife Hera, but he was the target of many vengeful acts none the less. However the one aspect in Zeus canon that is most important in explaining why he was such an important figure in Mythology is that he was depicted as a father, even in myths where he was portrayed in another light such as a warrior or as a son attempting to usurp his fathers position, his patriarchal side always showed in some manner in many of the stories.         Zeus name in Greek comes from a root word meaning bright. It is interesting to note that the planet Jupiter, which is the same name as Zeus in Roman is typically the brightest object in the night sky, seems to be an interesting etymological comparison. Zeus took control of the sky when the Olympian gods inherited control over the world while his brothers Hades and Poseidon were given control over the underworld and the Oceans, respectively. Typically Zeus is associated with the lightening bolt, his weapon if choice, as well as the eagle, a majestic symbol of nobility. The Oak tree is also tied to Zeus as it is a sturdy tree that grows for hundreds of years.         Zeus was the youngest of the first generation Olympian gods which also included Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. When he was born Zeus was hidden to grow up on the island of Crete in order to prevent his father, Cronus, from eating him just as he did to his older siblings. Instead of eating Zeus, Cronus was tricked into eating a stone which in turn made him regurgitate all of his devoured children only then to be slain by Zeus who was protecting his siblings. This can be juxtaposed to a father who would protect his children. The Olympian gods ally together and fight all of the Titans from atop mount Olympus, this was known as the Titanomachy. This ten year war was aided not only by the Cyclopes, but the Hecatonchires as well. When the Olympian gods finally won the Titans were then imprisoned in Tartarus.         Zeus engaged in lascivious acts with goddesses which gave birth to many children which included; Aegipan, Persephone and Zargreus, Orion and Manes, Ares, Eileithyia, Eris, Hebe, Ersa and Carae, Limos, Apollo and Artimis, Hermes, Athena, The Muses Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania, Zagreus and Melinoe, Ersa, Nemean Lion and Pandia. There mothers were Aix, Anake, Demeter, Dione, Thalassa, Gaia, Hera, Eos, Eris, Leto, Maia, Metis, Mnemosyne, Persephone and Selene respectively. Themis who was the first wife of Zeus gave birth to Astraea, Nemisis, Horae, Auxo, Carpo, Thallo, Dike, Eirene, Eunomia, Pherusa, Euporie, Orthosie, and The fates Atropos Clotho and Lachesis (Wikipedia Zeus). In addition to having plenty of children with goddesses Zeus also had children with many mortals, these children include; Aeacus, Hercules, Amphion and Zethus, Arcas, Britomartis, Perseus, Tityas, Dardanus and Iasion. Minos, Rhadamanrhys and Sarpedon, Aglea, Euphrosyne and Thalia, Kronios, Spartaios and Kytos, Thebe, Epaphus and Keroessa, Sarpedon, Polydeuces, Castor and Helen of Troy, Lorcrus, Argus and Pelasgus, Alexander III of Macedon (Alexander the Great), Meliteus, Tantulus, Balius and Xanthus, Hellen, Dionysus, Lacedaemon, Palici, Litae, Tyche and Ate. The mortal mothers of these children of Zeus are; Aegina, Alcmene, Antipoe, Callisto, Carme, Danae, Elara, Electra, Europa, Eurynome, Himalia, Iodame, Io, Lamia, Laodamia, Leda, Maera, Niobe, Olympias, Othreis, Pluto, Podarge, Pyrrha, Semele Taygete and Thalia respectively (Wikipedia Zeus). The Gigantomachy was the battle of the Olympian gods against the giants. The Giants, who were born of the blood of Uranus spilling onto the Earth were half human and half serpentine creatures. This myth depicts Zeus in the warrior light because it was Zeus who fought the leader of the Giants Thyphoeus. Typhoeus was beaten by Zeus and thus so were the giants. They were imprisoned in Earth which to Greeks gave reason as to why volcanoes are scattered along the Earths surface. The fact that he fought Typhoeus alone exemplifies what many of the Greeks and Romans thought were how a warrior should behave, that and if he did not do so he would lose the stigma that he was the epitome of masculinity. The myths of Zeus are so widely varied and his behavior within the myths are just as varied that some have postulated that Zeus is the conglomeration of many minor gods who over time were blurred into one supreme being. In addition the many bizarre acts of Zeus can be a way for many people to justify their obscure behavior.         Zeus had relations not only with mortal females, but also mortal males. One of the most notable tales of this is that of Zeus and Ganymede. Ganymede was a slave boy who Zeus became infatuated with, one day Zeus sent eagles down to Earth to retrieve Ganymede and bring him to Olympus there he became a cup-bearer. That way he was always around when Zeus needed him to be. This is an example of how Zeus sometimes abused his power to get whatever he wanted. This tale also reflects how Roman society viewed homosexuality and accepted it the way they did.         In Ovids Metamorphoses the tale of the great flood is another fine example of Zeus wearing yet another hat. This myth Deals with ruler of Arcadia Lycaon and his tyrannical behavior. Lycaon thought he would serve Zeus one of his children as a sacrifice. As one would expect Zeus found this repulsive and decided to not only punish Lycaon, but the rest of humanity as well. He first transformed Lycaon into a wolf, it suited his personality. This was the typical style of most transformations in Ovids works. Zeus then decided to wipe the Earth clean of the human race and start fresh, thus the great flood much like the story of Noahs Ark. In the Greek version, there were however two survivors Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha. In order to repopulate the Earth they were instructed to throw the bones of their mother over their shoulder to repopulate the Earth, these instructions from the oracle had to be interpreted in order for the oracle to maintain that it was ne ver wrong. They Figured that the bones were actually rocks from mother Earth, this was the correct interpretation and the Earth was populated once more. In regards to Zeus this story once again shows his parental side due to the way he reacted to Lycaons transgression.         The myth of Zeus and his relationship with Callisto is one that shows how he can, when faced with urgency, can react for the betterment of others not just himself. The story goes that after Callisto was found to have a child with Zeus she was turned into a bear, after her son Arcas grew up he was in the woods and was confronted by her mother in bear form, he was about to kill her when Zeus stepped in and transformed then into constellations, these constellations were Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.         The tale of Zeus and Demeter shows Zeus as a just and understanding ruler. The story deals with Hades being given permission to take Persephone to the Underworld to be his wife, the bulk of the story deals with Demeter sulking and trying to figure out who kidnapped her daughter. Also in her anger she brings famine and drought upon the world. After hearing all the people crying out in hope due to hunger Zeus steps in and sends Hermes to retrieve Persephone, but she had already had eaten food in the underworld and if that occurs it is said that no one can leave. So in the end Persephone must spend a portion of every year with Hades in the underworld. This myth shows how Zeus is an understanding individual and how he does his best for the betterment of all under his all mighty rule.         There are many other myths associated with Zeus such as him punishing Prometheus to having his liver eaten out of him regularly. Or the Zeus and his punishment for Tantalus and his blasphemous act of sacrificing his some to the gods. Works Referenced Hesiods Theogony, translated by Evelyn-White. Ancient / Classical History Ancient Greece Rome Classics Research Guide. Web. 09 Oct. 2009. . The Internet Classics Archive | Metamorphoses by Ovid. The Internet Classics Archive: 441 searchable works of classical literature. Web. 09 Oct. 2009. . Morford, Mark P. O., and Robert J. Lenardon. Classical Mythology. New York: Oxford UP, USA, 2006. Print. Zeus -. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 09 Oct. 2009. .
Monday, August 19, 2019
Boxer vs. American Staffordshire Terrier Essay -- Animal Research
What makes these two dogs so similar is that they are two of the top most popular breeds here in the United States. It has been said that dogs is man's best friend, and because of this, it makes them great companions. These two breeds, the Boxer and the American Staffordshire terrier fit very easily into family life. When an owner tells his dog that he is a good boy, the dog happily wags its tail. Then, there are those times when an owner has to discipline his dog, the dog, then creeps away with that sad puppy dog look on its face. According to Jill Viers, "a dog will love you unconditionally; it will be there until the end. Doesn't it deserve the same when it is truly man's best friend" (Viers) Both of these breeds the Boxer, and the American Staffordshire terrier; have similar, but different in their ancestry, appearance, grooming and maintained; it is what makes both of these two breeds so desirable. For starts, the Boxer and American Staffordshire terrier were both first used to dogfights and bull-baiting until it was banned in the early 1900s. The Boxer was first breed in the early 19th century, they used them for dog fighting, bull-baiting and to run down and hold large game for their master. They received their name because of their ability to stand on their hind legs and bat at its opponent, appearing to box with its front paws, hence the name Boxer. Then, later in Germany, the Boxer became the breed for their intellect and muscular strength. Boxer is from a Mastiff and a bulldog breed together. Later in Germany, they were used guard and police dogs as they were very alert. After World War 1, the Boxer came to America, where their popularity in the states. Whereas, American Staffordshire terrier has a backgro... ... well as a good family pet. The Boxer also has another advantage over the American Staffordshire, and that it is excellent with all children. Finally, the Boxer also does well with other pets in the household. Not like the American Staffordshire terrier, where it needs raised with the family from puppy hood. Works Cited American kennel club-american staffordshire terrier., n.d. Web. 21 June 2011. . American kennel, 2005 March 30. Web.21 June 2011.. Bulldog-Boxer. In bulldog, 29 June 2010. Web. 21 June 2011. . Dog breeds american staffordshire terriers. In five star, n.d. Web. 21 June 2011. .
Sunday, August 18, 2019
How the Media Distorts Male Self-Perception Essay -- Exploratory Essay
How the Media Distorts Male Self-Perception Women are insecure. They constantly diet and scrutinize their bodies. They fall victims to the anorexically thin models appearing in the media. Why do men have it so easy? For years these questions are what women asked themselves. In a world where appearance is everything, women have been the main source of all the hype concerning the image and body. Advertisements have been criticized for years about putting the pressures of the â€Å"perfect†body into the heads of millions of women. Up until a few years ago, it was believed that only women had the eyes of society on them. Now the scales are balancing. More men are beginning to feel pressured, by the same society, to have a muscular body and to portray a perfect male image. However, some men are taking this pressure to the extremes. The media is having a negative effect on the way men view their bodies making them feel as if they need to look like the models shown, which can often result in muscle dysm orphia. Through exposure to the media, primarily advertisements and movies, the physical appearance of the male body has drastically changed, from barely seeing the torso to men in their briefs. In past decades, the male body was portrayed in a â€Å"rugged†sort of way (Luciano 4). It didn’t matter how many muscles the man had or the degree of atonement, but the way that the man carried himself. He was his own seller in a busy market. If he wanted to appear tough and manly, the way he presented and carried himself would make all the difference. For example, in the first two Rocky films, Rocky, played by Sylvester Stallone, is â€Å"beefy†yet buff (Law). He is the idol of women portrayed as ... ...s in Magazines.†Journal and Mass Communication Quarterly. Autumn 2002: 697-711. ABI/INFORM Global. Proquest Horn Lib., Babson Park, MA. 11 Feb.. 2003 . Luciano, Lynne. Looking Good: Male Body Image in Modern America. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001. Olivardia, Roberto. â€Å"Muscle Dysmorphia in Male Weightlifter: A Case Control Study.†American Journal of Psychiatry. Aug 2000: 1291-6. ABI/INFORM Global. Proquest Horn Lib., Babson Park, MA. 11 Feb 2003 . Pope, H.G.. â€Å"Muscle Dysmorphia: a New Syndrome in Weightlifter.†British Journal Of Sports Medicine. Oct. 2002: 375-8 Expanded Academic ASAP. Infotrac. Horn Lib., Babson Park, MA 11 Feb 2003
Government and Politics - Time to Stop Lying Essay -- Argumentative Pe
Time to Stop Lying A great number of young adults have lost interest in the political system of this country. It is really quite simple- the power structure is not working in our favor, we see no great future achievements in legislation or politics, and we would much rather put our energies towards more fulfilling ends. The nature of politics in this country has progressed to a corrupt web of lies and deception that clearly favors the white male who spends his life working nine to five and has given his voice, his freedom, his manhood over to his government. Â Those of us who refuse to succumb to this lifestyle find ourselves constantly battling to maintain even a base level standard of living. We have not chosen to close our eyes to the social conditions that surround us, and we have not chosen to be pretentious suburbians living life in a bubble of our own creation, fooling ourselves into believing that words and legislative acts will solve the many problems of these times. Â We do not have much faith in the legislative system in America. We study our history, and realize that nothing has really changed, despite numerous amendments, acts, and programs. We find these to be simple attempts to pacify the masses in a scheme of the largest proportions to launder our riches and our wealth. Â You ask why we do not vote or participate actively in politics. I ask why should we choose betwee... us some skills to enter into this rat race you have started. Give us computers, teach us to use them, and help us in our individual pursuits. Stop sucking us dry with taxes and fees, and give us financial assistance to start our independent pursuits. Repay the descendants of slaves and repay the Native Americans. Find some justice for the people of this country. Educate us on truth and the world. Don't shut us in a box, ignorant of the world community, perpetrating white supremacy and western "democracy." Give us something worthwhile to vote for and we might start showing up at the polls. Don't be afraid to admit the wrongs of the past and present; that is the only way to grow and move into the future. Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
PESTLE analysis Essay
PESTLE analysis, which is sometimes referred as PEST analysis, is a concept in marketing principles. Moreover, this concept is used as a tool by companies to track the environment they’re operating in or are planning to launch a new project/product/service etc.PESTLE is a mnemonic which in its expanded form denotes P for Political, E for Economic, S for Social, T for Technological, L for Legal and E for Environmental. It gives a bird’s eye view of the whole environment from many different angles that one wants to check and keep a track of while contemplating on a certain idea/plan. Political and legal factors Political and legal factors are here regarded as a unit. They refer to framework given by politics. The exist regulatory or legal frameworks, which can be binding for regions, nations or on an international basis. The frameworks deal with economical issues or issues concerning the labour market.Subsidies for instance fall in the category of economical issues. According to the degree of support through subsidies, a country can be more or less attractive for a company. With respect to the labour law of a country, it can highly influence location decisions, too. If e.g. the dismissal protection in a country is very good, a firm may tend to choose a country with a more flexible hire-and-fire-system. Furthermore, political environment can have a significant influence on businesses, political factors affect consumer confidence and consumer and business spending. For instance, how stable is the political environment? This is particularly important for companies entering new markets. Government policies on regulation and taxation can vary from state to state and across national boundaries. Political considerations also encompass trade treaties, such as NAFTA, ASEAN, and EU. Such treaties tend to favor trade among the member countries but impose penalties or less favorable trade terms on nonmembers. Economical factors Economical factors deal with national or international economical developments and have a direct influence on supplier and consumer markets. Examples of economical factors that play a big role are: the GDP, the rate of inflation, interests, the change rate, employment or the situation of money markets. These economical factors influence demand, competition intensity, cost pressure and the will to invest. For instance, if the gross domestic product of a country is fairly low, the demand is in general lower than in countries with a higher GDP. Social factors Social factors deal with social issues regarding the values, ideas, opinions and the culture of market participants. Market participants can be employees, customers or suppliers. Through their contact with the company, they influence it due to their opinions. The company needs to follow the market participant’s change of value and adapt its strategies. Nowadays, a change of values concerning environmental protection is on the move. Technological environmental factors Technological environmental factors are meanwhile of a great importance, especially for industrial companies, which underlie a fast technological change. The increasing speed of technological changes, like in microelectronics or robotics can either indicate risks or chances for a company. Particularly producing companies are affected of that fast evolution. Environmental factors At last, environmental factors are becoming more and more important nowadays. They regard natural resources and the basis of human life. Among those, the availability of raw materials and energy is the main topic. As the availability of fossil fuels, like oil or coal, gets worse within the next decades, the dependency on those fuels stays pretty risky. Moreover, to show an ecological responsibility, companies should assess and reduce their ecological damage. Through rare raw materials and increasing pollution, an environmentally friendly management gets spotlighted more and more by the public interest. Consequently, eco-friendly products or technologies can even signify a competitive advantage. To maximise on the benefit of PESTEL it should be used on a regular basis within an organisation to enable identification of any changes in trends. The impact of any external factor may have more severe impact on any division or department but, PESTEL will enable clarification why change is needed and identify potential solutions. As with all techniques there advantages and disadvantages when ever using it.PASTEL includes some of these advatages;provides easy and simple to use framework for your analysis, helps to treduce threats and impacts of potential treats to your organisation. And also helps you to asses the level of implications of entering a new market both globally and nationaly. However it is also associated with the following disadvantages; as users can over simplfy information used in decision making in an organisation, assumptions often form the basis for most of the data used, making any decision made based on such data subjective. Users must not also succumb to paralysis by analysis where they gather too much information and forget that the objective of this tool is the identification of issues so that action can be taken.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Bill Recommendation Essay
Is it a good idea for those individuals convicted of armed robbery to receive double the sentence that it is now? In my opinion the answer is no. Policy making in the field of criminal justice is extremely vital to society. Punishments can be very confusing in the fact of what is appropriate. What is too much and what is too little? There have been many studies that show that there is little or no deterrent of crime such as armed robbery when the punishment is a long sentence to prison. The reason for this lack of deterrent is because the person who is committing the crime or crimes knows what is at stake, yet he or she chooses to commit the robbery anyway. This is because the gains of that robbery outweigh the prison sentence. The main purpose of this bill is to stop or at least lessen the amount of armed robbery that is being committed by putting those who commit the crime behind bars for a longer period of time. This seems like a good idea at first glance. However there is more to this proposition. Lengthening the prison sentence is being used as a deterrent or to simply take the bad guys off the street for longer. This has not worked in the past and will not work now. Facing a long sentence has not deterred robbery from happening. If prison sentencing was enough robbery would not be around in society especially not as frequent as it is today. According to a study done by the FBI in 2006 447,403 robberies were reported to the police, which equals out to a rate of one robbery per minute in the United States (McGoey, 2014). The punishment for robbery can be up to 25 years in the United States. Doubling that and making the sentence 50 years will hardly make any change in the robbery rate. If anything it would just cause the jails and prisons to become overpopulated quicker, costing taxpayers more money. Bill Recommendation There are more effective ways to address a crime than make the punishments more intense or longer. The classic school of criminology is what I base my recommendation on. In the late 1700’s, which are the time that the classical school came about, the punishment for crimes was extremely cruel and would be seen today as barbaric. Cesare de Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham played a tremendous role in the theory of criminology and criminal justice today would not be where it is without them. Their main focus was to lessen the harsh punishments implemented by the judicial system at the time (Schmalleger, 2012). Cesare de Baccaria believed that preventing crimes would benefit a society more than punishing someone who committed a crime. This belief was the driving force of the classic school of criminology. He believed the punishment should fit the crime for instance theft should be punished through the use of fines and crimes that cause personal injury to be punished by corporal punishment. This would, in turn he believed, prevent these crimes from happening. Jeremy Bentham viewed crime a little differently than Beccaria. Bentham was viewed as a utilitarian. He believed that the punishment for any crime must be that of the greater good for the community. Basically stating that any pain being used as a punishment towards an offender must be justified to benefit the good of the society. Modern criminal justice still holds its foundation in that of the classic school of criminology. Having said that, long prison sentences do act as a major deterrent for many criminals, but poses a major conflict of ideas to that of the classic school of thought due to the fact that crimes are committed based on free will and rational thinking. There are Bill Recommendation many factors such as emotional instability in s sudden moment, and mental and physical disorders that a longer prison sentence simply would not abolish. There is also the very likely chance that drugs and or alcohol is involved. If the offender is being driven by an addiction nothing, surely not a longer prison sentence is going to persuade his or her decision (Schmalleger, 2012) With all of that being said, the answer to decreasing crime, more specifically armed robbery, a longer prison sentence is not the answer. The question at hand is: what is the answer? This is a question that is going to be debated as long as crime is resent in the population. Juvenile criminals usually mature into adult criminals, so perhaps putting more criminal emphasis on juvenile crime must be done. In addition to everything, it is well known that drugs are the foundation of many crimes. Drugs are responsible for many thefts and robberies, and more time behind bars is not going to make a drug addict think twice before robbing someone. More emphasis needs to be put on the war on drugs and alcohol addiction. Put the taxpayers money to good use by stopping the spread of drugs, not on paying for more people inside if jails. Lets stop the robberies from happening. References McGoey, C.E. (2014). Robbery Facts: Violent Crime Against Persons. Retrieved from http://www.crimedoctor Schmalleger, F. (2012). Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Politics/Amendment Essay
A written overview of the amendment in question. What does it say specifically?      The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides, â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence†(Sixth Amendment, U.S. Constitution). The rights enumerated under this amendment refer to the codified rights of the accused in criminal prosecutions. Generally the Bill of Rights was incorporated in the Constitution on account of the belief that it was necessary to limit the investigatory and prosecutorial powers of the federal government (Oxford Companion, 2005).     The rights of the accused in criminal prosecution are: â€Å"1) right to a speedy trial; 2) right to a public trial; 3) right to a trial by jury; 4) notice of the accusation; (5) right to confront the opposing witnesses; 6) right to compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses; and (7) the assistance of counsel or right to counsel†(Oxford Companion, 2005). The right to a speedy trial prevents oppressive incarceration before trial and ensures defense by the accused of his cause. The right to a public trial acts as a safeguard against abuse of judicial power. Moreover, it also assures the accused that he is informed of the charges against him. This is part of due process (Oxford Companion, 2005). The right to confront opposing witnesses refers to the right of the accused to cross examine said witnesses. He is also entitled to subpoena witnesses in his behalf (Oxford Companion, 2005). Finally, the accused is also entitled to be represented by counsel or a lawyer. This shall be lengthily discussed in another section of this paper. When did it become part of the Constitution?      This amendment was ratified and adopted in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution in 1791 (Oxford Companion, 2005). It was part of the first ten amendments included in the Constitution. The Bill of Rights was actually proposed by James Madison. The group known as Anti-Federalists threatened that if these rights were not included in the Constitution, their states will not ratify the new Constitution. They needed clear safeguards against the vast powers of government. After a compromise was agreed upon, the Constitution was ratified in 1789 but the Bill of Rights was incorporated later and went into effect after it was ratified on December 15, 1791 (National Archives web site, n.d.). 3. What cases have come before the Supreme Court in which this particular amendment was applied?      Before the ratification of the Sixth Amendment, two statutes were enacted which in effect accorded the assistance of counsel to those accused (USGPO web site, 2005). The Judiciary Act of 1789 allowed the defendant to plead his case in a federal court either personally or by counsel. On the other hand, the Act of 1790 allowed the defendant charged with treason or other capital crime to be defended by counsel which the court will assign to him (USGPO web site, 2005). Even with the ratification of the Sixth Amendment, the right to counsel has limited application. It was only in the 1930s that the Supreme Court developed and enlarged the scope of the Sixth Amendment by virtue of jurisprudence.      In the case of Powell v. Alabama, the Court set aside the convictions of eight youthful offenders since the trial was conducted in a hasty manner and the defendants were not assisted by counsel. The Court further ruled that there was denial of due process considering that the right to be heard is meaningless if it did not entail the right to be heard by counsel [287 U.S. 45 (1932)]. The Court succinctly explained that even if a man is intelligent and learned he may not be skilled in the science of law and may be indicted on an erroneous charge or be convicted based on incompetent evidence. More so, the defendants who are young, indigents, illiterates and are faced with an atmosphere of hostility away from their relatives [287 U.S. 45 (1932)]. Thus, it was stressed that it is imperative to be represented by counsel and it imposes a duty upon the Court, whether requested or not to appoint and assign a counsel otherwise, it becomes tantamount to a denial of due process [287 U.S. 45 (1932)]. In the case of Johnson v. Zerbst, the Court enunciated the absolute rule of appointing counsel for all federal criminal defendants. Moreover, it ruled that a waiver of such right must be clear and cannot be presumed from silence of the defendant [304 U.S. 458 (1938)].      In the case of Betts v. Brady and Progeny, the Court ruled that â€Å"the appointment of counsel is not a fundamental right essential to a fair trial†[316 U.S. 455 (1942)]. It laid down the principle that the right to be represented by counsel is not necessary in state cases involving non capital offenses except in special circumstances. This ruling was held later on after criticisms, to apply only to the incompetents such as the illiterates and retardates or to grant relief in cases of judicial abuse of power [316 U.S. 455 (1942)].      In Hamilton v. Alabama, the rule was in capital cases, the Court must appoint a counsel for the defendant even without proof that defendant may be prejudiced without such appointment or even if the defendant failed to request that one be appointed as his counsel [368 U.S. 52 (1961)].The â€Å"special circumstances rule†was held to apply only in non capital offenses [368 U.S. 52 (1961)].      In the cases, Moore v. Michigan, 355 U.S. 155 (1957) and Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, 350 (1963), the Court has laid down the three categories which may be deemed as prejudicial and thus, necessitating the appointment of counsel, namely: â€Å"(1) the personal characteristics of the defendant which made it unlikely he could obtain an adequate defense of his own, (2) the technical complexity of the charges or of possible defenses to the charges, and (3) events occurring at trial that raised problems of prejudice†(USGPO web site, 2005).      The ruling of the Court in the Betts case was overturned in the landmark case of Gideon v. Wainwright.  The Court in abandoning the Betts reasoning held that the right to assistance of counsel is imperative, basic and fundamental and that the Fourteenth Amendment requires that the same be available and applicable in state courts. In 1972 this ruling was held to apply to misdemeanor and serious misdemeanor cases provided that it carried a penalty of imprisonment [Argersinger v. Hamlin, 407 U.S. 25 (1972)]. Additionally, the Gideon ruling was also held to apply to youthful offenders in juvenile delinquency litigation in the case of In re Gault, 387 U.S. 1 (1967). What, if any connection is there between this constitutional issue and education?      The constitutional issue of the right to assistance of counsel is related to education. The study of law requires knowledge, skill and experience in trial proceedings. Even an educated and intelligent man who is not properly educated and trained in law is considered incompetent and unable to defend himself. Courts are created to punish and deprive the guilty of their liberties through imprisonment and other imposable penalties. Thus, it is imperative that if a person is charged with an offense in court he must be able to put a defense and be heard by a properly trained counsel. To deprive him of this would be tantamount to depriving him of due process and would render nugatory the basic tenets of the Bill of Rights. A person charged of an offense would need the expertise of a counsel so that he does not risk himself of being convicted even if he be innocent simply because he does not know how to establish his innocence. More so an uneducated man, a feeble minded person or an indigent. Consequently, it becomes the duty of the court to appoint counsel so that such person may not be denied due process.  References  Argersinger v. Hamlin, 407 U.S. 25 (1972) Betts v. Brady and Progeny, 316 U.S. 455 (1942) Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, 350 (1963) Hamilton v. Alabama, 368 U.S. 52 (1961) In re Gault, 387 U.S. 1 (1967). Johnson v. Zerbst, 304 U.S. 458 (1938) Moore v. Michigan, 355 U.S. 155 (1957) National Archives and Records Administration web site. ‘Bill of rights.’ Retrieved on November 16, 2007, from Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States. Oxford University Press, 2005. Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45 (1932) U.S. Government Printing Office web site. ‘Sixth amendment: Rights of the accused in criminal prosecutions†2002. Retrieved on November 16, 2007, from
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Pig Cruelty Essay
Pig Cruelty Around 1. 3 billion pigs are slaughtered annually for meat worldwide. The majority of these are in East Asia, particularly China, which rears around half of the world’s pigs. They are usually slaughtered after 4-7 months. Pigs intended for pork are usually slaughtered 1-2 months younger than pigs for bacon. I think that the way pigs are being raised and slaughtered is corrupt and barbaric. Mother pigs; spend most of their lives in individual â€Å"gestation†crates that are approximately seven feet long and two feet wide, not large enough for them to turn around in.Just before giving birth they are moved to â€Å"farrowing†crates, which also are not large enough for them to turn around in or build nests for their young. The deprived environment produces neurotic coping behaviours such as repetitive bar biting, sham chewing and obsessively pressing on water bottles. Piglets are taken from their mothers when they are as young as 10 days old and are pac ked into pens until they are separated to be raised for breeding or meat. They are too overcrowded and prone to stress-related behaviours, such as cannibalism and tail biting.On a television episode of TV ones Sunday that I watched, the New Zealand pork industry was dealt a shameful and public relations slap-in-the-face after its former comedian celebrity kingpin, Mike King, ousted their farming practises as ‘brutal’, callous’ and ‘evil’. Mike condemned the â€Å"appalling treatment†of factory farmed pigs. He observed inside a New Zealand piggery and found a dead female pig inside a sow stall, lame or crippled pigs and others that could barely stand. Pigs either extremely depressed or highly distressed, pigs that had scars and injuries and a lack of clean drinking water.Mike says â€Å"they were screaming and frothing at the mouth, I was disgusted and I’m sorry I was ever a part of promoting it†. This is no joke, real life †˜Babes’ see no sun in their limited lives, except for when being loaded onto the truck to be slaughtered; they have no hay to lie on, no mud to roll around in, not like in our childhood books and movies. There is no freedom or joy in their short lives; it is a misery from the day they are born to the day they die. Pigs feel pain just as humans do. Imagine living in your own urine and faeces?No one would want to live like that, so why do we do this to them? Bacon, pork and ham are all very lovely food indeed, but is it needed to treat them like this? If this is the case, I’m not sure I want to continue eating these foods. I understand the fact that free range products are expensive, but if the government made factory farming illegal then there would be more competition, so they will have to compete with prices. If we all made a push towards making factory farming illegal then I believe it would be more cost effective. Just think about how much healthier the meat would be.At the end of the day it’s not just the pig farmers that need to wake up, we all do†¦ If we really wanted to we could put a stop to this cruelty, by only buying free range products; starting protesting; making petitions, but we do not and this where collective guilt comes into it. If New Zealanders or better yet, the world started doing these things we could easily stop the market for factory farmed pigs, and farmers would be forced to change their practice. If your packet does not read ‘free range’, you know the truth. Help stop pig cruelty today. Kendell Gaskell
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Relationship between Culture and Technology Research Paper
The Relationship between Culture and Technology - Research Paper Example The topic is based on the development and forms of old media which indicates the technological development in the old era. This will be compared with the temporary social network technologies such as the Facebook. This will be developed with the intention to observe the technological development along the time and the cultural change relied on the technological development. Furthermore, this paper will provide the understanding of cultural changes such as what individual’s daily life changes along with the technological development. This will examine the individual’s lifestyle in today’s world and what has changed and their relations with technologies. Thus, this current study will summarize the media development and the relationship between technological and cultural change. Overall, this present study is based on the relationship between old and new media technologies and their associated cultural practices. According to Mesch (2009), new media shapes many ways to communicate and interact with each other. It is identified that interactivity is considered as central to new media which include letters to the editor, radio and television talk shows, computer and technological programme and listener participation in such programs. In accordance of Pinchot, Paullet, and Rota (2010), it is identified that old media interactivity was less as radios, television and newspapers did not measure the preferences and opinions of people as communication was considered as conversation. Grossman (2008) argues that people were provided what the media idea and thought is right for them but in today’s world, the interactivity degree has enhanced that does not necessarily mean. This means that every media has few interactivity components or elements which mostly do as it is examined by computers which can converse back these days.
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Benefits and Educational Value in Studying Philosophy and Logic Essay
The Benefits and Educational Value in Studying Philosophy and Logic - Essay Example Philosophy and logic are inextricably linked together. For, without one, one could not have the other. The philosophy books one may readâ€â€such as The Republic or Plato’s Apologyâ€â€might cost some money, however, the benefits and educational value of both philosophy and logic are priceless. First of all, what were the benefits of philosophy? Perhaps one must first discuss what logic was. Logic was a derivation of philosophy. For, in order to philosophize, one needed to be able to make rational arguments in succession, each argument following logically from the last point. It then follows that the end result would be a conclusion proving one’s hypothesis or initial claim to be true. This is generally how philosophical discussions develop. â€Å"[The great thinker] Eusebius accept[ed] the conventional division of philosophy into ethics, physics and logic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The benefits of using philosophy are greatâ€â€using philosophy exercises the mental faculties and forces one to think extemporaneously. The educational value of philosophy is to train subjects simply to think. If nothing else, philosophy requires a great deal of thought to engage in it.
You can decide the topic whatever you want by those requirements I Essay - 6
You can decide the topic whatever you want by those requirements I posted - Essay Example The setting is desolate apart from a single person in the picture who contributes to the strangeness of the place. The person in white in the picture looks on and has no prejudged expression. It is unwelcoming for anyone to be represented in that manner (Harding 1). The human figure seems to reveal more than the empty feeling probably that the place is not meant for the public. On the other hand, yellow color is a celebratory affiliated color and could be used to mean a place to feel free and merry. From the stillness of the objects and person on the image begets the entire notion and drives the thinking of â€Å"what went wrong†. At night people like to get together before, they retire to their home that is evidently not the case in the painting. The artist was questioning the situation and sent out a clear message (Harding 1). The worst illustration the image brings forth is from the colorations on the table. The image uses a green billiard table that made use of a darker black color. The combination of black and green in itself is a scary affair, leave alone making it thick black and a shimmering green. When one puts into perspective the color mix and expressions in the film, nobody wants to be there because this is not a welcoming place (Harding 1). A stark black in the mix with a white colored clock cannot be missed from the background, and one can clearly discern the time that is a quarter after the midnight mark. To crown the encounter the image terribly expresses human passion by putting together red and the green color. Van uses the yellow wall to give on to blood red wall inclined and raised up to the ceiling that is painted with an obtrusive green (Harding 1). The hanging light bright in sulphuric yellow spreading it all across the room and surrounded by the Vincent’s wheel hunch over in the image in the late-night
Sunday, August 11, 2019
CRJ311 Week 2 journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CRJ311 Week 2 journal - Essay Example These nurses pose a unique quality of understanding the physical, emotional and mental pain that the assaulted individuals go through and help obtain their justice in the judiciary. An excellent SANE employee poses a good characteristic of listening and understanding of the clients. Many a time, individuals like to be listened to while stating their predicament to the helping hand because it offers a psychological therapy in the end. Empathy is very imperative while dealing with the sexually assaulted victims since it makes the care provider try to feel the torments faced by the victim (Campbell et al., 2007). Critical thinking is one of the forensic qualities that an individual should poses while handling any forensic case. This is because it helps an individual think broadly to obtain the cause, hidden evidence and any other leads that can help in prosecuting the case. In essence, all the forensic personnel in all the fields should possess the ability of in depth reasoning as this helps in logical analysis of assaults (Du Mont & Parnis, 2003). One major quality I can borrow from SANE is their way of trying to identify what may have compelled the accused to perform a sexual assault. In most traditional forensic investigations, the investigators are usually interested to know and proof who did the act, but not the reason an individual did it. Therefore, looking at the circumstances that led to the accused to do the act can help in preparing preventive mechanism to alleviate such barbaric acts. Campbell, R., Long, S. M., Townsend, S. M., Kinnison, K. E., Pulley, E. M., Adames, S. B., & Wasco, S. M. (2007). Sexual assault nurse examiners’ experiences providing expert witness court testimony. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 3,
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Amazon case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Amazon case study - Essay Example evolution includes change of ownership as everyone is incorporated since the owners decides issues based on the long terms motivated by the excess opportunities available in the modern world due to development in technology, labor quality increase over the times since hiring and placement must be done to acquire competent efforts who can pursue diversification in all aspects. Companies diversify in different ways. Some uses the same line of products to produce more known as the related diversifies while others chose to go different line known as the unrelated diversifiers. Thus those who chose to be in the same line tends to make more profit than the firms that deviate to other goods since the companies diversifying in similar products tends to specialize and produce quality goods which can compete relatively in prices at the market. Amazon is a company that is customer obsesses ion and tries to satisfy them by all means since they are the key to the growth of the firm hence participates in various inventions to improve productivity (KENNY, 200). The organization also believes in spending the right way to achieve self-efficiency of the diversification, increase sales volume and become more resourceful and innovations to all sectors in the company. Amazon chose to diversify into unrelated business so as to expand their growth and the evolution as gone over times. The company was started as an online bookstore selling but that has since changed over the times. The company has now incorporated diversity in other areas which includes, software’s, MP3s, video games electronics, food to consumers, music CDs, video tapes, equipment, fashion and many more. The company also has got a multi-product strategy in the market as it plans to enter the sale of air tickets online and hotel rooms. The company has since acquired a substantial share of the market of the bookstore. However as a result of the diversification, the sales volume has greatly reduced over the times
Friday, August 9, 2019
Diplomatic Challenges of the Arabian Peninsula Case Study
Diplomatic Challenges of the Arabian Peninsula - Case Study Example In addition, Bahrain has come to be recognized as one of the most politically influential states in the Middle Eastern region and it is predicted that it is going to be one of the most influential states in the world in the near future. The influence gained by this kingdom in the region is largely based on the fact that it is an ally of the western powers namely Britain and the United States, and this has created a situation where it has been able to host the naval fleets of these two countries (Radsch, 2013). In fact, it is because of its strategic importance in the Persian Gulf region that Bahrain has come to be considered by western countries, such as the United States, as being one of their most valuable allies. This consideration has made this island kingdom, which would normally have been just another weak state in the region, confident in its development since it is protected from external threats through the presence of a naval fleet of the United States. The fact that Bahrai n is among the most stable states in the Persian Gulf region and that it is one of the staunchest allies of the United States has made it most attractive to both potential investors as well as economic planners from already developed countries who are attempting to have a stake in the future of Bahrain. While this has been the case, it has been observed that the kingdom of Bahrain has continuously attempted to remain independent of outside political influence, especially in recent times when it has resisted attempts to allow for democratic reforms within it and it has instead opted to make its own influence felt in the region. Despite the fact that Bahrain is one of the emerging... The popular opinion in many countries in the west is that Bahrain is an authoritarian state whose people do not have the political freedom to determine their own destiny. In addition, because it is in the Middle East, the common perception in the west is that this authoritarianism is based on the Islamic religion. While this is the case, most of the individuals in this country are surprisingly very liberal in matters concerning religion and they only appear to be fanatical because of the stereotype that ha been developed concerning Middle Easterners. The royal family of Bahrain is a Sunni dynasty ruling over a majority population of Shia Muslims, which has created a situation where there is a lot of tension in the country. The fact that the royal family is still in power can be attributed to the efforts of diplomacy that it has managed to undertake to secure itself from the threats against from within. it is a fact that the people of Bahrain do not always follow the lead set by Iran on religious matters and in fact, very few people in Bahrain share the same religious point of view as that which is propagated by the religious establishment of Iran. This has created a situation where they are extremely conscious of their identity as Arabs first before being Shia Muslims.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Poem - Essay Example em for the country because of the illegal immigrants that find themselves immersing themselves into our society, I cannot help but think about whether they too are thinking along the terms of the â€Å"The Melting Pot†when they decided to come and try their luck in entering the United States. This is perhaps a mentality and a belief that has not changed for the immigrants because it is the very idea that has been fed to them for generations. Thus, â€Å"The Melting Pot†has become the official name for the American immigrant culture where they arrive as foreigners but become American. Yet becoming an American never meant that they had to give up who they are as foreigners to this land. That is what makes me sad. For as long as foreigners in the United States are not forced to give up their past in favor of the traditions and culture of their current homeland, immigration, both legal and illegal, could very well be the demise of the great country known as the United States of
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Comparison of Detroit and Cleveland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Comparison of Detroit and Cleveland - Essay Example On a comparable state is the city of Cleveland which is considered as the ‘shrinking city’ because of its declining economy. Detroit began its rise with the plan of Gallatin, the man who proposed the canal system in the nineteenth century which eventually caused people to travel easily to the city from its neighboring places. The canals attracted travelers and the density gradient of the city’s population rapidly rose. The influx of people in the city was economic based requiring more rapid transportation and inspiring the use of airlines to concentrate people in the city, which in turn produced economic success and cultural vitality, affecting how America was to be defined. The transport system later required the building of railroads which connected cities and states in the 1960s, similar to the canal system of Gallatin which catered to the buses and cars during that time. As cars increased, more and more people travelled on their own cars leaving those who are not able to afford the transportation to commute through bus and trains. However, the roads were more frequented by cars and the transportation system declined, affecting the economy of the city. People left the city in search of better places where they are allowed to travel to their workplaces in a faster means and this suffered the city as its economy went down with its population. On a similar form, Cleveland experienced economic failure, shrinking to one of the poorest cities now in America and considered along with Detroit as exurb. Could the two cities regain their former state? With the competition of nations and cities for success, Detroit called its foundations, politicians and city planners to look into a plan for gentrification, a design that would bring back the life the city once had when its economy was at its peak. The groups mentioned proposed wirings that would enable electrically operated
Cultural and Cross Cultural Psychology Essay Example for Free
Cultural and Cross Cultural Psychology Essay Cultural psychology and cross-cultural psychology is no more new, as it has had its momentum picked up for the past few decades. Developmental psychology is something of the same kind and it was a buzzword in between at the turn of the century. The question is how is it possible to study humans development though we intend to study. Human development is also reflected from the repeated efforts and interests on culture analysis in getting to know the interpretation of signals, code words and gestures. When it comes to testing, research and analysis in psychology related subjects it is quite difficult to understand the significant relation between the test samples and the findings. As there is never a reliable empirical formula. Cross cultural psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes, including both their variability and invariance, under diverse cultural condition. Its primary aims are to investigate a) systematic relations between behavioral variables and ethnic-cultural variables, and generalizations of psychological principles. Cross cultural psychology is the science by virtue of the scientific principles and methods it employs. Cross cultural psychology is not primarily concerned with the comparative study of culture, that si the enduring characteristics that mark a culture apart from other countries. (Leonore Loeb Adler, Uwe P. Gieglen, Florence L. Denmark. Cross cultural topics in psychology – Second edition) â€Å"Cross-cultural psychology is the empirical study of members of various culture groups who have had different experience that lead to predictable and significant differences in behavior. In the majority of such studies, the groups under study speak different languages and are governed by different political units†(British, Lonner, Thorndike, 1973, p. 5 – John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen. Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition, p. 1) â€Å"Cultural Psycology is the study of the cultures role in the mental life of human beings†(Cole, 1996, p. 1- John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen. Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition, p. 1) Cultural psychology is the study to examine ethnic and cultural sources of psychological diversity in emotional, social cognition and human development. (Richard A. Shweder, Maria A. Sullivan. Cultural Psychology: Who needs it? 1993 – Internet edition Cultural psychology is nothing but the practices, customs and beliefs we follow differs from place to place and ethnicity to ethnicity. It is the study of various cultural practices, customary traditions and beliefs that influence a particular sector of people, who decides to improve their society by improvising the existing practices and trying to reason few satisfactory logic to get convinced with the practices. The degree of variance is sometimes measurable and sometimes not. The most interesting part is to analyze how and to what extent the traditions, customs, practices and beliefs developed in a region based on something are made use in favor of personal purposes. Whereas cross-cultural psychology is the effort to establish a connection between psychology that is being framed on the basis of the customs and traditions practiced. It simply deals with the different set of experiences and different set of environment which shows a significant influence on the behavior of the person in a place. The cultural psychology stops with the traditions, customs, beliefs and practices in a system whereas cross-cultural psychology is deep about analyzing the effect of these cultural practices in the behavior and thought process of an individual in the system. For eg, the traditional practice of Sati (burning a woman alive after her husbands death) was followed in India. Learning the practice and the origin of Sati and analyzing its logic, superstitious beliefs is the cultural psychology. Cross cultural psychology tends to explain why women in India are able to accept the practice and get convinced when it is not possible with the other women in the rest of the world. Critical thinking in the cross cultural psychology Cross cultural psychology is interesting to deal with, but actually speaking is highly uninteresting when it comes to experiment and research. It is difficult to format a methodology and bring it in practice, even if brought into practice it is not all that easy to interpret the results of the psychological tests and tasks. How can researchers make out the differences between the results obtained for the same tests from different groups though the questions are same and the groups are different based on the brought up and experience. Is it possible to exhibit a connection between the psychology and the culture with just the interpretation of the results of the tests conducted, and the fact being no one knows to what extent the interpretation falls right. The difference in the thinking may occur due to the difference in the culture influenced thought process, still it is difficult as there is no concrete or empirical formula formulated to decide on it. There is no assurance that the difference in thought process is because of the cultural difference, as there could also be reasons such as bewildered nature of the question, the puzzling nature of the tests, the mood and ignorance of the people and the literacy rate and understanding power of an individual. It does not stop with cross cultural psychology as developmental psychology also faced the similar kind of problem in formatting the research to get to know the exact demand of the scientists and the researchers from the test samples. In addition to that few man made minor errors in the research and process leads to an unexpected and unwanted finding and the errors are sometimes left undetected too. The methodology associated with cross cultural research When it comes to methodology of cross cultural psychology, it involves the qualitative methodology to analyze the practices, customs and habits of different cultures, on the other hand it requires quantitative methodology to compare, analyze and juxtapose the difference in psychology of different individuals influenced by the cultures and practices they follow. Psychological and cultural psychology experiments always require the need of qualitative analysis, as the cross cultural psychology is all about analyzing a huge mass of test sample quantitative analysis also comes into picture, perhaps the problem is sometimes the methods are treated mutually exclusive and the results are not compatible all the time. In addition to this, there is a report that researchers employ artificial and unfamiliar methods leading to ambiguous results. The issue is research is done based on the questions answered by individuals in a society rather than the collective answer from a society, that makes the major difference and inconvenience. Conclusion Though the subject is interesting, it is poignant to know the investigation methods have not taken the right direction. Conventional methods and sampling techniques are most desired all the times, perhaps when it comes to bringing out the difference between two cultures and the influence on the thought process of an individual because of the culture, it is advisable not to stop with these conventional techniques, as even previous literature works, media interviews, assumptions can be taken into significant consideration. Apart from all these standard quantitative techniques should be given the appropriate attention too, the results from the conventional sampling techniques and the standard quantitative techniques can be compared and related. This way a convincing analysis can be expected. Reference: Richard A Shweder. Thinking through cultures – Expeditions in cultural psychology John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen . Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition James W. Stigler, Richard A. Shweder, Gilbert Herdt. Cultural Psychology- Essays on comparative human development. Lumei Hui. (2003)Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior John W. Berry, Ype H. Pootinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen. Cross cultural psychology Research and Applications – Second edition
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