Saturday, December 28, 2019
Answer Paragraph and Thesis-and-support Outline Thesis
PART FIVE: READINGS FOR WRITERS Note: Suggested answers are provided here for the comprehension questions and the discussion questions that follow each of the seventeen reading selections. Numbers of relevant paragraphs from the selection follow reading comprehension answers and are shown in parentheses in the discussion answers. Suggested Answers for â€Å"Three Passions†â€â€Bertrand Russell Note: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection. Reading Comprehension Questions 1. d 2. a 3. d Answer a is too narrow; answer b is unsupported; answer c is too broad. 4. a Paragraph 1 5. b. Paragraph 2 6. False Paragraph 3 7.†¦show more content†¦Reading Comprehension Questions 1. a 2. d 3. b Answers a, c, and d are too narrow. 4. a Answers b, c, and d are too narrow. 5. c Paragraph 6 6. True Paragraph 23 7. a Paragraph 5 8. b The entire incident with the Community Chest Fund shows Richard’s pride; see also paragraph 28. 9. b Richard’s teacher ignores his problems and humiliates him in front of the entire class; see paragraphs 5 through 26. 10. b Helene cries over Richard’s humiliation; see paragraph 23. Structure and Technique 1. In order to impress Helene, Gregory brushed his hair, got a handkerchief, washed his socks and shirt every night, shoveled the snow off her walk, tried to make friends with her mother and aunts, and left money on her stoop. He describes those steps in detail because, besides demonstrating his devotion to Helene, they give a clear picture of Gregory’s poverty. 2. In paragraph 5, Gregory uses the metaphor that he was pregnant to suggest the effects of poverty on himâ€â€it gave him strange tastes, which pregnant people get. It also filled him (as pregnancy fills someone), but with negative things: poverty, dirt, â€Å"smells that made people turn away,†and so on. In the second sentence of paragraph 7, Gregory uses the metaphor of a flying eagle to represent the movement of money. (A picture of an eagle isShow MoreRelatedAnswer: Paragraph and Thesis-and-support Outline Thesis9749 Words  | 39 PagesPART FIVE: READINGS FOR WRITERS Note: Suggested answers are provided here for the comprehension questions and the discussion questions that follow each of the seventeen reading selections. Numbers of relevant paragraphs from the selection follow reading comprehension answers and are shown in parentheses in the discussion answers. Suggested Answers for â€Å"Three Passions†â€â€Bertrand Russell Note: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection. 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This will be the second page of the paper.  If you are doing an APA paper, you will do an abstract of your final paper. This will page two.  Consult Little Brown Brief, pp. 510-517or examples of what a properly formatted paper looks like. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS TEXT, A GOOD SAMPLE CAN BE FOUND AT: wwwRead MoreDemocratic features2231 Words  | 9 Pagessources related to the causes and effects of exploration and answer questions. PLAN: handout DBQ test part A Students will analyze 6 sources, identify main ideas and answer questions asking them to identify democratic and undemocratic aspects/features of colonial America and how American democracy was a work in progress in colonial times. Assessment: tests 7th Grade OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to create an outline for a DBQ essay. Students will be able to identify democraticRead MoreThe Importance Of Writing An Outstanding Academic Essay866 Words  | 4 Pagesan insight of our own. However, the students must properly cite their sources, quotes and dates to support your evidence and to avoid plagiarism. The essay needs to be balanced to support either one or both sides of the argument. It will allow you to have perspective with some questions and answers to back the topic up. We must also understand that an essay must be broken down into paragraphs to get the reader to recognize what is being said during the different sections. This also allows itRead MoreBeginning Of The Document Content.. In Previous High School1449 Words  | 6 Pages Beginning of the document content. In previous high school English classes, I followed the same structured outline for every essay I wrote. A three-point thesis and one sentence of support following your evidence were the main ideas taught in the goal for me to pass my AP Language and Literature exams.These timed essays only allowed me to briefly address the argument I presented in the paper, which is no comparison to the level of writing expected of me now. Although the ideas on what I would writeRead MoreSteps to Writing an Essay556 Words  | 2 Pagesgreater clarity but also made me aware of whether or not I may be unintentionally stepping on someones toes through something I had written. Identify your thesis and your thesis statement. Write it down on a separate piece of paper. Go through each paragraph in your essay and identify each main point. Does each point help to support your thesis? Do you make any unnecessary statements? This is the logos of the argument and I found this strategy useful too. It reminds me of constructing a Lego buildingRead MoreEssay about Crj 100 Week 10 Assignment 3 Probation and Punishment746 Words  | 3 PagesPROVIDE ORGINAL WORK. WRITE THEM ON YOUR OWN WORDS. GONNA USE TURNITIN TO CHECK PLAGARISIM. TYPE EACH QUESTION BEFORE ANSWER THEM. Write 3 page paper in which you: 1. Outline the historical development of prisons in the United States. Identify each of the stages in prison development and include the various philosophies and punishments used during each stage of development. 2. Outline the major issues and problems that prisons face today. Predict two (2) issues that American prisons may face in
Friday, December 20, 2019
Complexities of the U.S. Financial System Example
Essays on Complexities of the U.S. Financial System Essay Complexities of the U.S. financial system Complexities of the U.S. financial system The financial markets of the U.S have been experiencing many changes after the financial crisis. However, it still plays a significant part and role in the economy. Several environment aspects of the in the past few years has been affected by the U.S financial market. One of the major impacts of U.S financial market on the economy is through the practise of mutual funds improvements. The U.S financial market practices the use of the mutual funds improvement to influence and change the prices in the economy resulting in a full range of change in the market prices. The changes due to the use of the mutual funds in the market prices lead to a decrease in valuation which results to an increase in acquisition likelihood by 7%, relative to takeover possibility of 6%. The financial markets of an economy are affected by globalization since it reduces the cost of capital of a company. However, globalization ha s helped improve the way managers and heads of different departments in a firm govern and control leading to the reduction of the company’s cost of capital. The reduction in the cost of capital is how the managers establish a good relationship with the stakeholders. The price of raising resources in capital markets is also another impact as a result of globalization. Improvements in globalization conditions have reduced U.S cost of capital. Individuals are also affected by the financial markets in one way or another. According to (Guaranteed Rate, 2011).A person would not be in any way affected by stock market crash if they did not invest in the stock market. In case employers notice a fall in the stock market they automatically start reducing their employee’s benefits. These benefits can either be health insurance and retirement plans. The United States Federal Reserve plays a significant role in the country’s’ systems of expenditure. The Federal Reserve oversees the countrys economy along with the government but is not under the direct control of the government.In the United States the Federal Reserve is considered as the most powerful bank. The major responsibilities of the Federal Reserve Bank are to deliver finance amenities to the federal government. Moreover, the Federal Reserve Bank also accepts deposits and offers loans to its clients. Another major task of the bank is to determine the interest rates for particular loans and the requirements of the bank reserve (Treasury, 2015).The chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank is also the head of the central banking systems in the United States. The chairman of the bank serves for a period of four years according to the agreement made by the U.S Senate. The chairman is usually designated by the president of the United States. The Federal Reserve System is made up of seven board members. Unlike the chairman who serves for a term of years, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors serves for a term of fourteen years. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors takes the responsibility for the monetary policy (Melicher Norton, 2013). The board of governors is responsible for ensuring that all activities of all the twelve Federal Reserve banks under its authority are well coordinated. An increase in the United States’ interest rates, it results in difficulties in obtaining loans because of the risk that the debtor might not pay the money back. In order to solve and minimise the impacts of this risk the interest rates increase. People are less likely to risk seeking for loans due to the high rates of the interests. For instance, if an individual wanted to seek a loan from a bank to buy a house, it would be difficult to buy when the economic conditions are not favourable. The unfavourable economic conditions being a result of the high-interest rates. If the person opts to take the loan when the interest rates are high, their lifestyle expenditures and spending would be compromised because an increase in the interest rate would result in an increase in the dollar. High interest rates also affect the countries that export goods to United States according to (, 2015).The impact of the exporting countries results from the decline in the dem and for their products as an outcome of the high-interest rates.For instance, if the current economy of the United States is doing well and an individual travels to another country like South Africa, they would get several South African currency one U.S dollar. In the end, they will have more South African money even though at first they had less U.S money. References Guaranteed Rate, (2011). How Does the Stock Market Affect You?| Retrieved 16 April 2015, from Melicher, R. W., Norton, E. A. (2013). Introduction to finance: markets, investments, and financial management. Wiley Global Education. Treasury, C. (2015). Corporate Finance and the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury - For Dummies. Retrieved 16 April 2015, from, (2015). How Does The US Economy Affect The World Economy? | World Financial Watch. Retrieved 16 April 2015, from
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Business Ethical Framework Australian Financial Services
Question: Describe about the Business Ethical Framework for Australian Financial Services. Answer: 1. In the below mentioned answers, it has been explained to Bettina and Gordon, who were the sole traders of the organization called Winsome, that: A corporation needs to have an Australian financial services permit in order to demeanor a financial services trade. An individual would need an AFS licence if, as a part of his trade they would afford to grant the economic product advice to the customers; covenant in economic merchandise, etc.[1] An AFS license authorizes a trade and its legislative body in order to grant monetary services to their customers.[2] Therefore, Winsome would need an authorization for its AFS License because it provides full service broking of Australian and International equities and it has been clearly mentioned that if anybody wants to carry out his or her financial services trade, then they generally needs to be authorized under an AFS license. [3]An individual may also opt to grant financial services as an authorized representative of an AFS licensee.[4] In a request for the monetary product authorization which has been clustered under 11 broad classes on the descriptions which were defined in sections 761A and 764A of the Corporations Act.[5][6] The authorization that an individual may choose has been described in Part2 of the AFS licensing Kit.[7] If a person desires to be authorized only to arrange dealings in ACCUs on behalf of the wholesale customers , as well as granting general financial product advice to the customers then they should select the following authorizations on their AFS license application: Arrange for an individual to deal in a financial product; Offer general economic advice only to the wholesale customers ; What kind of client groups would the applicants present or intended trade service. AS per Regulatory Guide 104, 166, 105 and 146 an individual must have made available adequate resources in order to grant the financial services; maintain the competence of the trade to grant the financial services authorized by the license, etc. (i) The training standards have been regarded as the set of information and in certain matters the ability necessities that should be fulfilled at either the level 1 or level 2 tutoring level, by the consultants before they obtain advice. The level 1 teaching level was largely correspondent to the Degree level under the Australian experience structure and the Tier 2 teaching level was generally equal to the Certificate III level under the Australian experience agenda. The Eligibility criteria for applying for the AFS license needs some requirements to be fulfilled such as: All the AFS licensees other than those synchronized by the APRA must be solvent and have positive net assets. In addition to this, licensees must prove that they have, or have access to, adequate economic possessions in order to meet their predictable cash flow expenses. For scrupulous licensees, such as accountable units, IDPS operators, comprehensive finance trustees, custodial and depository service suppliers and trade OTC unoriginal issuers, supplementary resources sufficiency necessities apply.[8] The competencies include that: An individual would be competent if he or she have either concluded a path that was scheduled on ASICs preparation record; or been charges as being knowledgeable by a certified evaluator. The second choice was only accessible to the individual with pertinent business knowledge. One outcome was that a human being who has applicable trade knowledge and who has finished guidance that was not scheduled on ASICs register which can decide on for the estimation and have that preparation which as been taken into report. (ii) Yes, Winsome had the expertise and experience required to obtain an AFS licence as the AFS L authority some points for considering the assessment of the application and all the three points which were kept in mind were fulfilled by Winsome. The three components which Authority consider were whether the a industry or an individual: Were competent to carry out a financial service trade as specified in the application form; Have sufficient financial resources to carry out the planned trade; Can meet the other duties of an AFSL such as training, compliance, etc. A human being who does not have business skill, however, has no alternative other than to inclusive ways that was scheduled on the schedule, in spite of what other experiences they may grasp.[9] All usual personnel who offer monetary manufactured goods recommendations to the wholesale customers must convene the teaching principles, unless they fall within convinced imperfect exemptions. Convinced persons have been excused from gathering the teaching principles because their behavior were of an incomplete character and because somebody who does obey with the teaching principles plays a material position in the stipulation of economic good recommendation which was to be granted to the wholesale customers by these persons. If a corporation needs to offer the economic services to the wholesale customers then they would have imply some supplementary requirements in relation to the damages and disagreement promise system. The legislative body of the organization would also need to meet the smallest amount of training requirements which were needed in order to offer economic product guidance to the wholesale customers . It also needs to have in rest the reimbursement preparations, consisting of either appropriate proficient insurance (PI) insurance, or a substitute agreement that was particularly permitted by the ASIC. If an organization provides economic services to wholesale customers , then it needs to acquire the PI indemnity cover proceeding to granting those services. Whereas the AFS permits with obtainable PI indemnity should ensure with their employee in order to corroborate their rule which does not leave out the emanation units. It has also been affirmed that an organization may require varying o nes cover if barring apply. If an organization provides economic services to the wholesale customers, then they necessitate to be a associate of an EDR system that would cover the grievances connecting to the production units preceding to the offer made for granting those services. If someone was already a affiliate of an EDR system, people should make sure with their system in order to make sure that it would accept the complaints which were made in relation to these products. If an organization provides monetary manufactured goods advice to the wholesale customers then their legislative body would require convening the minimum standards that have been set out for the preparation of the consultants providing economic good recommendation to the wholesale customers .[10] The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 cover the economic sector, betting sector, traders and other specialized trades that offer services which has been covered by the Act.[11] The AML/CTF Act has also been a part of a lawmaking parcel which transports the state into a line with the global best practice in order to discourage the money laundering and violence financing. It was pertinent to momentarily set out the obligations which were placed on the exposure bodies under the AML/CTF Act. The Act was designed to monitor the financial activity and in order to impose obligations of the reporting and the consumer with due diligence on some economic institutions such as banks, building communities and credit unions and other entities, including those granting gambling services and gold bullion dealers, who would grant the designated services with the purpose of decreasing the danger of the wrongdoers and the terrorists using them and other reporting bodies for the purpose of money laundering or the backing of terrorism. The obligations which were placed by the Act on the reporting entities when they provide designated services, includes: Recognition and Confirmation[12] Registering the trade related business with AUSTRAC Consumer recognition and confirmation of the individuality Trace keeping Institution and preservation of an AML/CTF program Continuing customer due diligence and exposure of the apprehensive matters, threshold dealings and worldwide finances transmit the directions. The AML/CTF Act and the sustaining AML/CTF Rules jointly executed a principle based and danger based approach to the regulations. AUSTRAC has been regarded as Australias professional economic aptitude entity. Its pecuniary aptitude aids the examination and hearing of the serious unlawful action including money laundering, offense and tax avoidance. Its point was to grant assistance in shielding the truthfulness of the Australian economic arrangement and add to the management of granting impartiality through their own knowledge in opposing the act of money laundering and backing the action of intimidation. Not all of the cases have been referred to the enforcement team. Any of the cases could be measured in order to levy enforcement action upon them which would comprise of: the character of the non-cooperation; the ML/TF danger which was connected with the treatment trades, etc. The character of reporting businesses non-cooperation refers to the scope and force of the violation on the reporting businesses AML/CTF compliance duties and on the aims of the AML/CTF administration and the vast society. The CEO of AUS TRAC was more likely to take enforcement action where a reporting entitys violation was organized and forces on the overall AML/CTF observance systems of the exposure body was incorporated in the objectives of the AML/CTF command.[13] And where a constitutional infringement was inadvertent and of a slight nature with a little prospective was granted in order to cooperate with the efficacy and extent of the AML/CTF system by which the probability of the AUSTRAC manager chooses to chase the enforcement action which was diminished.[14] The new case studies which have been observed by the AFS license were as follows: Largest fine in AUSTRAC's history in which AUSTRAC has questioned a record fine to one of the worlds major allowance complex supplier for universal breaches of AML/CTF laws.[15] AUSTRAC disrupts Romanian money laundering and drug trafficking syndicate in this matter a person was pleaded culpable to money laundering crimes and failing to assert substantial currency in excess of AUD10,000 when leaving Australia. He was punished for a prison term of seven years and four months' incarceration.[16] References Australian Securities Investments Commission, AFS licensees (2016) Australian Securities Investments Commission, Do you need an AFS licence? (2016) Australian Securities Investments Commission, REGULATORY GUIDE 1 AFS Licensing Kit: Part 1 Applying for and varying an AFS licence (2016) National Insurance Brokers Association, Licence authorizations (2016) Australian Securities Investments Commission, REGULATORY GUIDE 2 AFS Licensing Kit: Part 2 Preparing your AFS licence or variation application (2016) Australian Securities Investments Commission, Wholesale client requirements (2016) -client-requirements/ Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, Australian Government, AML/CTF Act (2016) Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, Australian Government, AUSTRAC Enforcement strategy 2012-14 (2016) Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, Australian Government, Enforcement strategy 2012-14 (2016) Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, Australian Government, Largest fine in AUSTRAC's history (2015) Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, Australian Government, AUSTRAC disrupts Romanian money laundering and drug trafficking syndicate (2016) Chris Mee, Applying for an AFS licence: A Thomsons Guide (2012) CNMLegal, AFSL applications: a guide to obtaining or varying an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) (2014) Holley Nethercote Commercial Financial Sevices Lawyers, Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) Applications and Variations (2016) Law Council of Australia, Anti-Money Laundering Guide for legal practitioners (2016) Pinnacle Financial Services Academy, Training Requirements for Financial Planners (2010)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Ethics and Governance
Question: Discuss about theEthics and Governance. Answer: Introduction: The act of generalizing facts is a problematic situation and it varies from one organization to the other. The corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not only concerned with the contribution of money, but it also deals with the involvement in activities that bring positive outcomes in the lives of the people (Bondy Moon and Matten 2012). The corporate social responsibility implies that the organizations have certain duties towards the society such as ethical, moral and philanthropic (Bondy Moon and Matten 2012). In this modern day, however, the ethical considerations of CSR have ceased to exist. The profit motive of the firm has gained prominence and the act of CSR is only a medium for doing so. This does not imply that all the organizations are adopting unethical measures, however, the true meaning of CSR is lost somewhere. This paper aims to explore the crucial question of whether CSR concerns about ethics or it is only concerned about profit making of the organization. Discussion The economic, ethical, philanthropic, moral and legal expectations of the society from an organization at a particular point of time are known as corporate social responsibility. The organizations need to implement a broad range of responsibilities and not only stakeholders. They need to involve the employees, customers, suppliers, environmental groups, local community and federal governments in the process of CSR. The stakeholders theory states that the organizations need to take care of the stakeholders (Wang and Jiang 2013). This theory also states the importance of values and morales as an important role for the management of the organizations (Wang and Jiang 2013). The essence of CSR involves various critical discussions. It is often said that the organizations are keen on increasing their long term profits with then help of CSR. It is also said that it distracts the organization from fulfilling its economic role. It is also argued that CSR has a neutral effect on the financial impact of the organization. The primary purpose of CSR is to improve the brand image of the organizations (Lee Park and Lee 2013). The consumers are most likely to make purchases from a company that is supportive towards society and contributes towards its betterment. This leads the company to engage in CSR activities, however, their intention still focusses on profit making (Lee Park and Lee 2013). The society also expects that the companies would operate in a fair manner and not engage in dishonest means. They also expect the organizations to produce goods as per the customer requirements and present them at an affordable price. The organizations often fail to fulfil these requirements. They are often seen to demonstrate socially irresponsible behaviours. The CSR activity relates to business ethics, however, are not synonymous with it. It is concerned with the judgments, moral behaviours, honest policies and responsible behaviours of the companies (Preuss 2012). The ethical responsibilities are a subset of the CSR activities and can be regarded as a characteristic of it. There are numerous attempts that tend to establish the relationship between ethics and CSR. The distinction between the real benefits of CSR and the motives of the company needs to be determined (Preuss 2012). It is believed that there would be improved outcomes if sufficient transparency is maintained by the companies. They usually underline the reasons for engaging in CSR in order to maintain the goodwill of the organization. The ethics is concerned with the correct and wrong perspective of the corporate activities. It is concerned with the assessment of the moral activities of a firm . The ethical responsibilities of an organization are spread across several levels such as the teams, individuals and the organizational level (Homburg Stierl and Bornemann 2013). The ethical behaviour of the company comprises of several parameters such as respect, trustworthiness, responsibility, caring attitude and fairness (Homburg Stierl and Bornemann 2013). The increased globalization of the company has also encouraged the companies to adopt a lenient approach towards business ethics (Homburg Stierl and Bornemann 2013). The organizations, either intentionally or unintentionally, focus more on the generation of revenues, rather than adhering to the moral obligations of the society. This does not mean that the companies are engaging in criminal offences, but the fine line of difference between ethics and profit has ceased to exist. The CSR is considered to be a win-win situation. The organizations are eager to make profits under the frame of societal benefits. There have been instances when there are no significant gains to the society except the advantage of the organization. The company is able to make profit by making maximum enforcement of the societal responsibilities. The studies have shown that the CSR activities present a positive image of the brand among the masses (Huang et al. 2014). It gives a good impression among the people that the company is concerned about the society. It also enhances the customer retention of the company as the customers are delighted by the initiatives of the company towards the betterment of the society. The CSR activities is responsible for the development and the enhancement of the relationships of the employee with the suppliers, customers and the suppliers (Bartkus and Morris 2015). The company gets better opportunity to recruit, retain and sustain a satisfied workforce . It is also possible to receive the tagline of Employer of Choice and enhance the brand value of the company (Bartkus and Morris 2015). The business reputation is enhanced and there is a subsequent increase in the revenues of the company. This is because of the creation of the positive image of the brand. This also gives more opportunities to the organizations for searching suitable investors. There is positive publicity of the company which attracts the potential investors (Saeed and Arshad 2012). The increased CSR activities also draws the attention of the media houses. They also help the organization in transferring the organizations message to the audiences. The CSR aids in the enhancement of the strategic philanthropy of the firm. This implies the linking of the employee activities to the human resource strategies (Saeed and Arshad 2012). It also implies the inter connection between the charitable activities with the marketing strategies of the company. It also fosters cross s ector partnerships with the major community segments. The CSR activities play a strategic role in the improvement of the organizational performance which in turn leads to greater profitability of the firm. This is achieved by the development of the organizational resources that may be tangible or intangible. The intangible resources consist of the reputational capital and social capital, which can be developed by the organizations over a period of time (Lins Servaes and Tamayo 2015). The social capital refers to the initiatives of the organizations in the creation of mutual benefits and coordination. It can be defined as an asset that is embedded in the social networks and the social relations. There can be two forms of social capital such as relational and structured (Lins Servaes and Tamayo 2015). The social capital is often compared with the organizational advantage through the creation of the trust (Laursen Masciarelli and Prencipe 2012). It can also aid in the creation of the intellectual capital and promote innovation in the organ ization. This can be achieved in the operational level by understanding the concepts of networking and other social tools. The external and internal networks provide great opportunities for the organizations for creating reliable social networks. These kind of corporate activities are beneficial for the community as there is an increase in social participation (Lins Servaes and Tamayo 2015). It also helps to create positive attitudes within the community which can be an important component in the sustainable development of the organization with the help of economic prosperity (Walter 2013). The social capital can be accumulated through the human interactions that fosters collective action. The social cohesion helps the company to build profitability. The reputational capital consists of the value creation in the stakeholders mind when they are interacting with the organization (Hond et al. 2014). The reputational capital can be used to bring in positive outcomes for the firms. The C SR is an excellent tool for the creation of reputation (Hond et al. 2014). It also provides incremental gains as the corporate image is enhanced. The increased reputational capital would also help in the recruitment of talented employees who would be willing to be a part of the organization. They would provide their best performance and would lead to satisfied customers. This would ultimately enhance the revenues of the organization that would lead to higher profitability. The CSR activity is also used as a tool for increasing the corporate domination. The CSR has the tendency to divert the attention from the real issues of the social causes and focus on the superficial issues. It cannot be denied that the corporate entities believe in the philanthropic approach (Hack Kenyon and Wood 2014). The finances they are allocating to the charities or the social activities actually belong to their shareholders. They cannot distribute the finances of the shareholders into some activities where they can perceive no potential profits. This is the reason that they want to improve their brand image. They can be looking for easy advertisement mediums, balance the pressure groups or genuinely addressing social causes, but there is always an underlying financial motive attached with it (Hack Kenyon and Wood 2014). The CSR activities enable the organizations to gain entry into the niche market segments and opt for the privatization of the social functions. This is done through proposing solutions for the environmental and social causes. The organizations understand the fact that CSR has a Unique Selling Proposition and it would appeal to the desires of the consumers. The CSR is considered as an effective Public Relation (PR) tool these days. It is believed that CSR is accredited to cover up the negative images of the organization and replacing them with the positive impacts of the credentials of the organization (Perks et al. 2013). CSR is often equivalent to a PR strategy, according to the researchers. This has often landed the company into legal battles. This was exactly the case with Nike when it faced criticism in the US Supreme Court regarding its CSR movements (Wood 2013). The activists took an attempt to sue the organizations on account of a misleading public relations campaign. There were debates regarding the legal approvals of the organizations publicity as well as public relations tools. This case poses a serious question to the corporations that if they are really concerned about the accountability and t ransparency of their CSR activities, then they would not be involved in serious legal actions (Crane Matten and Spence 2013). The issues arise when there is a mismatch of the words of the company in public and with the NGOs. The legal ruling poses difficult situation for the companies as they often come up with misleading statements in order to preserve their brand image. Conclusion The debate regarding the actual motive of CSR is continuing since a long time. Certain groups believe that the companies are engaging in ethical acts through CSR, while others believe that the only intention of CSR is concerned with the profit. It is true that the organizations, especially the multinational companies are not running for the purpose of charity. In fact, there are no business entities that do not work for profits, except the NGO, charitable trusts and similar entities. This essay gives a fair idea regarding the various aspects of the CSR and its close correlation with profits as well as ethics. The CSR activities are scanned from both these viewpoints and it is concluded that CSR is concerned more with the generation of revenues. The underlying principles of the organizations that drive them towards generation of profits are discussed. The effects of the profit making motive of the organizations along with the role of CSR are also discussed. This paper would give a bet ter understanding of the concepts of CSR in a real life scenario. References Bartkus, B.R. and Morris, S.A., 2015. Look Whos Talking: Corporate Philanthropy and Firm Disclosure.International Journal of Business and Social Research,5(1), pp.01-14. Bondy, K., Moon, J. and Matten, D., 2012. An institution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in multi-national corporations (MNCs): Form and implications.Journal of Business Ethics,111(2), pp.281-299. Crane, A., Matten, D. and Spence, L.J., 2013. 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