Thursday, November 28, 2019
Haste Essay Example
Haste Paper Making decisions In life can be difficult and people often rush and act too quickly without taking time to think their actions through. When under pressure to make the right decisions haste comes into play and the impacts are detrimental, as proven in Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet. The main characters in this text ignore many dark signs warning them along the way as they rush decision after decision leading to tragic results. The saying haste makes waste means that when action is taken in a hurry there are negative consequences which Romeo and Juliet both trudge with. Their lives take a spin downhill when they become overly eager to be together, are Impatient, and act with rashness. For example, after Romeo and Gullets instant marriage their lives become filled with doom and tragic losses. It is important to take one day at a time and stay patient, being sure to be content with decisions. The detrimental impact of haste Is reflected and absorbed in Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet through characterization, foreshadowing, and conflict. Both Romeo and Friar Lawrence make many rushed decisions in the play which never have positive outcomes. Romeo meets Juliet at the Caplet feast and Instantly falls In love with her. Without even knowing her personality or her name, Romeo Is deeply In love. He acts with rashness and asks her to marry him the very next day. This seems to be typical of his character; Romeo is desperate for affection and acts accordingly. O, let us hence; I stand on sudden haste. Romeos conception is that the faster he goes through with things the better the outcome will be. Friar Lawrence, who also seems to act with the restfulness of youth, agrees to marry the young lovers without thinking his decision through. We will write a custom essay sample on Haste specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Haste specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Haste specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He makes It for the arguably selfish reason of wanting to end the Montague-Caplet feud, but doesnt consider the negative Impacts It will have on the youths lives. After the precipitant marriage everything in Romeo and Gullets lives becomes tragic and unhappy. Friar makes a plan later on In the play to help re-unite Romeo and Juliet by creating a fake death potion. Again he makes the decision on the spot, not realizing the potential harm that could come from it. And if aught In this miscarried by my fault, let my old life Be sacrificed, some hour before his time, unto the rigor of severest law. Friar Lawrence only realizes his actions hastened the catastrophe after the tragedy was over. Another example of haste in this play is Romeos decision to kill himself when he believes Juliet is dead. He does not consider what he still has to live for, because if he had taken the time to do so, Juliet would have woken to a living husband and the end of the story would not be so tragic. Both Romeo and Friar Lawrence are displayed as characters that act with haste and are met with negative outcomes. Shakespeare shows the detrimental Impact of haste not only through characterization, but also through foreshadowing. There are many occasions in the play Romeo and Juliet when the negative effects of haste are displayed through foreshadowing. The signs warning that bad things will happen to those who rush appear often but the characters ignore them repeatedly. When young Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry he and Juliet, the Friar portrays the idea that this sudden decision may end badly. These violent delights have violent ends, Ana In tenet triumph ale, Like Tire Ana powder I Norte love moderately; long love doth so; too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. It is important to take one day at a mime because as the friar says, it seems all good now but acts of impatience dont have a positive outcome. Another example of foreshadowing the detrimental impacts of haste is when Juliet and Romeo are discussing plans of seeing each other again after Romeo is banished. O God, I have an ill-div ining soul! Methinks I see thee, now thou art below, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb. Juliet thinks the previous plans developed to allow her and Romeo to be together will result in disaster. The foreshadowing in her quote turns out to be all too true because she literally finds Romeo dead beside her in a tomb later in the novel. This tragic ending and Gullets worried feelings earlier in the play are due to acting with rashness. Foreshadowing is used in Romeo and Juliet to display the negative effects of acting hastily, as is conflict. Through conflict, Shakespeare shows the detrimental impact of haste in the play Romeo and Juliet. The characters in this play often act without thinking and the results are not pleasing. An example of interpersonal conflict is when Table wishes to fight Romeo. He doesnt take the time to figure out why Romeo was at the Caplet feast, he Just assumes it was for questionable reasons and wants to battle. When Mercuric fights Table instead of Romeo he is killed and this makes Romeo furious. He wants revenge and impatiently goes to hunt down Table. He does not consult his new wife for advice on the situation but rather acts with haste and kills Table. When Romeo is banished he is upset but these negative outcomes should have been expected when acting in such a rush. My husband lives that Table would have slain; And Tables dead that would have slain my husband. The conflict between these characters is always based on fiery tempers sparked in the moment and can only lead to a tragic ending. The conflict between the Montague family and the Caplet family also leads to tragedy. The mortal feud creates a feeling of pressure for Romeo and Juliet to act in the moment and proceed with marriage before the conflict of their families can interfere with their love. As it turned out, it would have been better to use patience and not be so rash and wait to find a wiser path for their love. The fearful passage of their death marks love, And the continuance of their parents rage, which but their childrens end naught could remove. Conflict creates situations n which characters feel compelled to act precipitately, bringing about problematic results. In Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet the detrimental impact of haste is reflected and absorbed through characterization, Foreshadowing and conflict. The main characters in this play rush their decisions and ignore warning signs of negative outcomes constantly. Romeo and Gullets families lives become filled with doom and tragedy after many acts of rashness. Rather than being impatient, it is worth it to take one day at a time and think decisions through. It is very typical of harassers Romeo and Friar Lawrence to act with the restfulness of youth. The negative impact of haste is displayed through foreshadowing as well, when Friar Lawrence warned the young star-crossed lovers that their sudden marriage would have a violent end. Lastly, Shakespeare demonstrated the negative outcomes of acting on the spot through conflict, when a battle breaks out between Table, Mercuric, and Romeo. For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo. Shakespeare shows that when making decisions under pressure, it is tough Ana people act Walt nasty, resulting In detrimental Impacts
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Kate Turubian and Modern Writers
Kate Turubian and Modern Writers Kate Turabian was born in 1893, and worked as a dissertation secretary at the University of Chicago. Turabian serves as another instance of greatness in writing coming out of Chicago. She later authored the Students Guide for Writing College Papers, which made a name for her in higher education. In the last 60 years, Kate Turabian has continued to guide young writers. Her Manual for Writers gives such detailed instruction that it has become a standard for authors of term papers, theses, and dissertations. Virtually any question that an academic or student might have can be answered within the pages of Kate Turabians manual. Covering the parts of a long formal paper, Turabian teaches readers the mechanics of writing. Her book even covers the use of tables or illustrations, and how to reference them. She provides lengthy instruction on citations, manuscript preparation, and various other topics. Perhaps the best part of her manual is its extensive use of examples for easy comprehension. The editors of the Chicago Manual of Style now offer a new edition of the manual originally authored by Kate Turabian. Now Turabians manual is in full conformity with the Chicago Style Manual. This new edition also offers the modern student, replete with use of personal computers.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gasland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Gasland - Essay Example This film has created a new awareness in the public concerning the devastating environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing, which is one of the means through which natural gas is extracted in the mainland United States. This means of gas extraction, also known as fracking, is done through the injection of chemicals and massive quantities of water at high pressures with the intention of cracking open the rocks deep beneath the surface and as a result releasing the natural gas. This method has helped in the emergence of the natural gas boom across the United States, but as the film shows, there has developed proof that this method of gas extraction is leading to the contamination of water as well as leaking into homes. The film works towards the establishment of means through which these issues concerning the conservation of the American environment can be discussed and viable solutions for the environmental problems caused by these activities by oil and gas companies can be found. I t can further be said that this film deals with the preservation, the development, and the return of the American natural environment to the state in which it was previously. ... In the film, it is stated that previously, the main method that was used for the extraction of natural gas was through the drilling into the ground until a pocket of gas was hit and this gas was captured as it rose. The director states that one of the reasons why he started making the film is because he started to wonder how it was that all of a sudden his family and their neighbours were in a gas drilling area when prior to this, their area had never had any kind of industrial development. In the film, the fact that the fracking method is causing environmental damage is worrisome and disturbing and it is because of the use of these methods by the various gas companies that the beautiful, scenic and amazing landscape of the United States is being destroyed. The director of the film, who also serves as the narrator, states that at least fifty percent the state of New York as well as sixty percent the state of Pennsylvania is being leased to gas companies for the purpose of drilling fo r gas using the fracking method. Throughout the film, it is seen that the land in the United States is being handed over to gas prospecting companies at an alarming rate with many of the individuals doing so, mostly farmers, not realising that doing so is resulting in the destruction of their natural environment (Fox). One would say that the film is mostly made up of a series of interviews and it can be considered to be one which shows profound respect for the people from different places across the United States that are interviewed. It can further be said that because of the respect that is displayed by the film’s director that the individuals who are interviewed are so forthcoming with the information that they have to give concerning the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Hypotheses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Hypotheses - Essay Example o setting prices that are lower than the competitors’ selling prices, the company must exert extra efforts to generate future customers’ demands for the company products. Customers prefer buying the lower priced products, all other factors being of equal importance (Bowman, 2010). Further, the next information needed is the advertising and promotion budget. With a higher budget, more target customers are reached. Consequently, more advertisements will persuade more target customers to try the new company product, compared to allocating a minimal advertising budget (Bowman, 2010). Furthermore, the marketing study must include the competitors’ prices. The customers’ prices will influence the demand for the company’s products. The competitors may institute cut-throat competition pricings, selling products at the lowest market price. The competitors are hoping that the cash-strapped and price-conscious target clients will prefer the lowest priced product in the market (Bowman, 2010). Moreover, the market test will show the current demand for the product. The company must determine whether the current competitors are supplying all the needs of the target markets. The current demand will indicate whether the market is saturated. Compared to a target market where all the competitors are not able to current supply the target markets’ present and future product demands, It is more difficult to sell a product in a saturated market because all the customers’ demand are presently met (Bowman, 2010). Further, the product quality must be determined. A poor quality product will generate low demand and higher product returns. However, high quality products will generate high customer demand. Quality affects the sales output (Bowman, 2010). Furthermore, location plays an important role in generating sales (Bowman, 2010). The product must be sold in places that customers can easily access. To save on transportation, customers will prefer buying from the nearest
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Chemistry Essay 4 Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chemistry Essay 4 - Lab Report Example However, they are not educated on the required limit of intake and over consciousness might cause them to develop vitamin imbalances detrimental for the body. Recently, an increase in the number of fatalities has been recorded because of the presence of a particular natural supplement called ephedra in the dietary products in USA. (OMeara, 2003). Intake of such supplements may cause an individual to develop heart attacks, coronary diseases and hormonal imbalances. Not only this, there are drug producers that intend to increase their sale by presenting the drugs in disguise of the vitamin tablets. They deem it an appropriate way to confidently advertise their drug without being criticized for its negative impact on the users. There are supplements that cause addiction, and their validity is highly questionable. In such circumstances, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) should regulate public access to such harmful so-called â€Å"nutritious supplements†in an attempt to c ombat the drug producing companies in this field. In addition to the free public access to dietary supplements, there are other issues that need to be done something about. One of such issues is the tendency of people to get the medicines they require imported from other countries in an attempt to escape the check of local DEA that might have scrutinized them given the bad health effects of the medication. In other cases, people prefer to import the medicines prescribed by their doctor simply because they may be cheaper as compared to their price in their own region. For example, many Americans prefer purchasing medicines from Canada because the rates are much lower in the latter than in the former. There are many evils associated with such a practice. First of all, medicines available in the stores in local region complete their life and expire before a patient buys them because many
Friday, November 15, 2019
Media In The Uk Influence On British Society Media Essay
Media In The Uk Influence On British Society Media Essay Currently, the people in Britain spend nearly thirty percent of their waking life in the media and communications activities (BBC,2010). The figures from Ofcom shows Britons expend seven hours per day on surfing the Internet, watching TV and using their mobile phones(BBC,2010). Media involve any communication institutions,and in Britain it generally include print media and broadcasting (Oakland,2006). Media have influenced British society in a variety of ways. Oakland claimed that nearly 70% percent of British people gain daily news from television,one fifth from newspapers and nearly 10% from radio. Kasier (2002) cited by Mackeogh (2004) that a investigation of fifteen to seventeen year olds showed that 72% teenagers felt young people can be influenced somewhat or a lot, though only one fourth thought it influenced young peoples behaviour. This paper will first analyze changing role of media in Britain, then illustrate how media influence British society. Finally, it will generate s everal recommendations for this situation. Outline the structure with key and supporting ideas (with referenced support): History: The British press began in the 1620s and development in the nineteenth century(Majesty,1976). Broadcasting began in the 1920s and became sturdy until mid-1980s.BBC was created in 1955 and ITA began in 1954 (Oakland,2006). Internet began in the 1990s ,and it developed rapidly since mid-1990s (BBC,2010). The current situation: Individual spent averagely 538 minutes per day on using all kinds of media(BBC,2010). The time Britons spend on print media are much less than past. Currently, people spend only 31 minutes per day on print media (BBC,2010). TV has become the most significant in the mass media, and the most convinent way for the public to get the news, as well as the information around the world,public spend almost 3.8 hours watching TV per day(BBC,2010). Internet play an important role in current life. Internet has been used by people for everyday,and people spend nearly one third of their waking time on Internet (BBC,2010). The influenceof media on British society: Negative: Over-commercialization(Oakland,2006). Media involves some violence, it have some negative influences on young people(Sefton-Green,1993). Positive: Media play an important part of the British economy,people spent more than 10 billion pounds for media activities in 1988(Veljanovski, 1990 ). Media help people culative their citizenship. As a propaganda tool, media promotes citizenship and moral consciousness of the public by using public service advertisement ¼Ã‹â€ BBC,2010 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. The media press ahead with socialist democracy. Burton, G (2005, p.20) highlight that western government clearly know the value of media coverage in swaying public opinion. The broadcasting media play an role as an mirror to keep the diversity of opinion and act as a national communication platform. (Curran, J. and Seaton, J. 2003 p.234) Government control the individuals opinion by mass media(Curran,1938). Media involves the culture of different countries, promotes golblaziation (Hiebert,1987). Recommendation: Reduce the content of unhealth (sex and violence): Magazines for young girls and women should not include lots of information about sex(Stokes,1999). A example of boys own story(Sefton-Green,1993). report more positive aspects. Reduce business investment, re-define the direction of media guide. Media should be a transparent, open, democratic and should not be controlled by government. Conclusion: There has existed several negative affects of media on British society, however, media changed British life style and their thinking way in a variety of aspects. Chosen academic references BBC(2010) Ofcom report highlights multi-tasking media users. Accessed from : Burton, G. (2005). Media and society: critical perspectives. Berkshire: Open University Press. Crisell,A.(1999) Broadcasting:Television and Radio. In Stokes, J. and Reading, A. The media in Britain current debates and developments. pp.61-74. Curran, J.(1987). Impact Influence. New York:Methuenco. Hiebert, R. (1988) Impact of mass media.New York: Longman. Majesty, H.(1976)The British press.England:Unwin Brothers Limited. Oakland, J.(2006) British Civilization New York: Routledge. Sefton-Green,J.(1993) Untidy, depressing and violent:a boys own story.In Buckingham, D. Reading audiences.pp.89-116. Stock ¼Ã…’J.(1999). Use it or lose it ¼Ã… ¡sex,sexuality,and sexual health in magazines for girls.In Stokes, J. and Reading, A. The media in Britain current debates and developments. pp.209-217. Veljanovski,C.(1990). The media in Britain today. London: News International.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Count Of Monte Cristo Essay -- essays research papers
The Count of Monte Cristo By: Alexandre Dumas Type of Literary Work: Historical Novel This book is an example of a historical Novel. It is historically accurate, and consists of characters that could have existed in the nineteenth century. Theme:Judgment Day comes to us all inevitably. We all pay for all evil and injustices of our life, yet sometimes there will be someone so viciously wronged, that he will return like a wrath of nature, with and unquenchable thirst for vengeance. Such a vendetta is the building block for the theme of this novel. The Count of Monte Cristo is that wrath of vengeance that crushes those who plotted his demise. Fernand Mondego and Danglars both wronged Dantes, and both were motivated by envy. Both men were filled with jealousy and never thought of the consequences of their actions. Villefort disposes of Dantes because of ambition. He would stop at nothing to climb the aristocratic ladder. Finally, Caderousse, a man that is simply ill natured, helped in the destruction of Dantes> None of these men could fathom how costly the price of these injustices would be. The actions and painful consequences exemplify the novel’s theme. Injustice toward the innocent for ignoble motives such as envy and jealousy will eventually be avenged severely. Live a life of virtue, not of vice, sot that one will not prosper in vain as did the villains of this novel. Setting:France in the nineteenth century is a nation teeming with turmoil. Those loyal to Napoleon feud with those loyal to the French monarchy and Kink Louis. We are moved across this nation in this novel, and begin in a small port city in southern France, Marseilles. Marseilles is where the characters are introduced, and where the conflict first. We quickly proceed to an island that harbors a prison infamous for nearly impossible escape, and sheer brutality, the Chateau d’If . The novel places the characters in the dungeon, giving a sense of hopeless despair, yet from there we move on. After a short stay in Rome at the time of the Carnival, we are settled in Paris. Here most of the plot is developed. The novel finally concludes in the Isle of Monte Cristo. Basic Plot:The Pharon, a three masted ship is docked by a young, skillful, promising young sailor by the name of Edmond Dantes. When the ships owner, Monsieur Morrel, learns that the ship’s admired captain passed away, ... ...fortune rewards his good will. Character most liked: In the novel, I grew especially fond of Monsieur Morrel. His heart was free from hate of thirst for vengeance. He was honest and thrived by helping others. He and his son were the only truly good-hearted men in the novel. He ran a firm with honest practices and persistently helped Dantes. When the Count repaid him for his kindness, the reward was truly deserved. Personal Evaluation: After reading this book, I can see why it has such and enduring popularity. The plot is exciting, and absorbs the reader into a romantic adventure. The characters are clearly described, and are put into situations causing the reader to grow emotions toward the characters. I would certainly recommend this novel for the sheer fact of how involved you become in the novel. I kept wanting to continue reading to see what twist would come up next. If I could change one thing in the novel, it would be the Count of Monte Cristo in one respect. He claimed to be God’s angle of vengeance, implying his actions were God’s will. I believe God is merciful, and punishment come about as consequence of our own sinful deeds, and not because God wishes to punish us.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Modern Management Techniques Essay
Introduction This report has been prepared to cover a project requirement for Decision Management within the grounds of ‘New Developments in Management’ and in response to the following; â€Å"The past 15 years have seen a series of new developments within management accounting to meet the ever changing needs of the organisation in the light of rapidly changing technologies†. The focus of this report will be on three relatively new developments including JIT (just in time), ABC (Activity Based Costing) and ToC (Theory of Constraints). Each development will be defined and then illustrated, before being examined in context with Toyota Ltd. The illustrations will be in the form of diagrams and if necessary, numerically discussed in reference to Toyota Ltd with an example working. JIT The JIT method was first implemented in the early 1970’s at the time of the industrial revolution within Japanese Firms. The Just In Time method is an inventory based management system with the objective of having the sufficient quantity of finished goods desired by the company at the required time; thus, effectively eliminating or in most cases significantly reducing the need for the costly storage of inventories. JIT also requires a â€Å"continuous commitment to the pursuit of excellence in all phases in manufacturing systems, design and operations†(Collin Drury, Management and Cost Accounting 7th ED pp556). This however, is only effective considering it does not negatively impact on customer supply. As well as this, JIT is most effective when implemented alongside what is know as Total Quality Management (TQM); whereby a company sets objectives to have zero errors and defects in every department of manufacture. An example of this can be observed with the methods by which Toyota inspects materials before and during the manufacture process; if a single fault is detected within a batch of materials/goods, the whole batch is rejected in order to reduce chances of any errors at a later stage within the manufacturing process. Ironically, occasions whereby hundreds of thousands of Toyota’s Hybrid motor-vehicles were recalled due to potentially fatal errors of the vehicles’ breaking systems, could well have been avoided with a better implemented Total Quality Management. The aim of JIT is to achieve four main objectives, these are; †¢Elimination of Inventories – by receiving supplies needed just at the right time they are needed, the need for inventories is eliminated, thus, lowering cost of holding inventory. For example, instead of Toyota holding large amounts of inventories ready for the production line, they can arrange for delivery of only the relevant and required supplies just in time for the production process. †¢100% Punctual Deliveries – by forming a good relationship with suppliers and agreeing for them to deliver goods on a punctual basis (such as suppliers for raw materials like metal/glass/leather for the production of Toyota products), the elimination of inventories objective can be achieved as well as meeting customer demands just in time. †¢Elimination of Non-Value Added Activities – the time-span or cycle time concerning the manufacturing and subsequent selling of a product includes 5 main stages. The sum of Cycle time consists of process time, inspection time, move time, queue time and storage time. The only value adding activity of the above mentioned is process time. Therefore with the reduction or elimination of the non value adding activities such as inspection time, move time, queue time and storage time, Toyota can and do benefit from the cost reduction this subsequently provides. (The above aim is a paraphrased modification of ‘Elimination of Non-Value Added Activities’ heading in ‘Management and Cost Accounting’ Colin Drury, pp557) †¢Elimination of Defects – The efficiency of this would mean the elimination of those costs that although not accounted for, may occur after production due to faulty materials used for production, for example. In order to eliminate them, Toyota could reject whole batches of materials that have the least fault contained (a stringent policy used by Marks & Spencer’s during supervision of purchased goods). Such demands in high quality can achieve the elimination of defects. Effective JIT kanban system with TQM JIT system Without TQM Normal Stock Holding Procedure Goods replenished after Customer Receives goods just in time therefore Low inventory costs achieved along with customer satisfaction. (Diagram source: modified adaptation from ‘Just in Time in Practice at Toyota’ Steven Spear (2010), pp10.) ABC Activity Based Costing is a development of the early 1970s and 80s as a substitute for absorption based costing. This was because in the 1970s and 80s there had been a drastic on going change to the manufacturing industry due to the effects of the Industrial Revolution; therefore absorption costing was seen as an increasingly insufficient method of costing in terms of the quality of information it provided. In practice, ABC identifies direct and indirect activities, and allocates the costs into ‘cost pools’, each of which have ‘cost drivers’, (cost drivers are any factors that have an effect on the amount of resources to be consumed by a particular activity). Once these cost drivers are identified, it is allocated a calculated rate, which is used in the calculation of the amount of cost to be charged to that output, depending on usage. The diagram below further explains the process of Activity Based Costing; Application of Cost Driver Rates Identify the major indirect activities in the organisation For each activity, group the budgeted costs together into a ‘cost pool’ For each activity, identify the cause of the costs (cost driver) (Diagram source: AAT Level 4 ‘Managing Performance & Resources’ Janet Brammer Tutorial Textbook pp14.) From this, a few advantages and disadvantages of ABC are made clear; Advantages: †¢As compared with other costing methods such as absorption costing, ABC is more accurate, (for example, it utilizes unit cost rather than the total cost proving more accurate). †¢It is also a much less complicated and is therefore more understandable. †¢Allows for the easy identification of non-value added activities and waste, therefore can help in the elimination of the two. Disadvantages: †¢It is however much more time consuming due to the need to collect more data for calculations. †¢There are also costs that come with the implementation and the maintenance of ABC. †¢ The advantage of ABC making waste visible and therefore easily identifiable may cause de-motivation as most directors/managers would not want waste to be revealed to their bosses.
Friday, November 8, 2019
rafaels madonna and child essays
rafael's madonna and child essays In this paper, I will discuss Rafaels Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints and also compare it to other paintings of the Madonna and Child by different artists. I will try to prove how the paintings differ according to their stylistic period in which they were painted by focusing on how each varies. Along with the differences is a lot of similarity in the themes of this particular work of art. For instance, the way the Madonna and Child are centered and raised above the other figures, and some gestures and symbols are recurrent themes. This continuity in themes reflects Christianities views of the holiness of the Madonna and Child, but variances in the styles of the paintings reflect societies changing views of Christianity in their lives. Madonna (the Virgin Mary, Mother of God) conceived a son (Jesus Christ), implanted in her womb by the Holy Spirit. As seen in several of the Annunciation artworks, the archangel Gabriel approaches Mary and brings her a message of her virgin conception of a baby boy, who is to be the Son of God. The Virgin Mary is symbolized for her humility and purity as we have seen in the Merode Altarpiece, where every item, dcor, and setting is representative of her sacredness and purity. The baby Jesus in Rafaels painting depicts the holiness of Christ even as a child as figures praise Him and as He makes the sign of blessing. Rafaels portrayal of the Madonna and child is very expressive in regard to its content. He uses some of the same patterns as other artists, such as the Child giving the sign of blessing, and centering the Madonna and Child. The artist however differs from many of the other artists who try to depict the same scene. For example, in Hans Memlings, Altarpiece of the Virgin with Saints and Angels (1479), the Virgin and Christ are not elevated above the other figures. Because this is 15th century Flemish art, we know that religion had become overl...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Dementia Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Dementia, Free Essays
Dementia Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Dementia, Free Essays Dementia What is Dementia? Dementia is an organic brain syndrome which results in global cognitive impairments. Dementia can occur as a result of a variety of neurological diseases. Some of the more well known dementing diseases include Alzheimer's disease (AD), multi-infarct dementia (MID), and Huntington's disease (HD). Throughout this essay the emphasis will be placed on AD (also known as dementia of the Alzheimer's type, and primary degenerative dementia), because statistically it is the most significant dementing disease occurring in over 50% of demented patients (see epidemiology). The clinical picture in dementia is very similar to delirium, except for the course. Delirium is an acute transitory disorder. By contrast Dementia is a long term progressive disorder (with the exception of the reversible dementias). The course of AD can range anywhere from 1.5 to 15 years with an average of about 8.1 years (Terry , 1988). AD is usually divided into three stages mild, moderate, and severe. Throughout these stages a specific sequence of cognitive deterioration is observed (Lezak, 1993). The mild stage begins with memory, attention, speed dependent activities, and abstract reasoning dysfunction. Also mild language impairments begin to surface. In the moderate stage, language deficits such as aphasia and apraxia become prominent. Dysfluency, paraphasias, and bizzare word combinations are common midstage speech defects. In the severe stage the patient is gradually reduced to a vegetative state. Speech becomes nonfluent, repetitive, and largely non-communicative. Auditory comprehension is exceedingly limited, with many patients displaying partial or complete mutism. Late in the course of the disease many neuropsychological functions can no longer be measured. Also primitive reflexes such as grasp and suck emerge. Death usually results from a disease such as pneumonia which overwhelms the limited vegetative functions of the patient. Dementia is commonly differentiated along two dimensions: age and cortical level. The first dimension, age, distinguishes between senile and presenile dementia. Senile dementia is used to describe patients who become demented after the age of 65, whereas presenile dementia applies to patients who become demented prior to that age. Late onset AD (LOAD) also known as senile dementia Alzheimer's type (SDAT) is the predominant cause of senile dementia. Early onset AD (EOAD) is the most frequent cause of presenile dementia, but HD, Pick's disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease though not as frequent are also important causes in presenile dementia. The second dimension, cortical level, differentiates between cortical and subcortical dementia. Cortical dementia is used to describe dementia which results from brain lesions at the cortical level, whereas subcortical dementia describes dementia resulting from subcortical brain lesions. AD and Pick's disease are the best known examples of cortical dementia; whereas HD, Parkinson's disease (PD), and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) are good examples of subcortical dementia (Mayke, 1994). Dementia with both cortical and subcortical features is also possible, in that case the term mixed dementia is used. MID is a common example of mixed dementia. Historical developments in dementia Pre-Modern Developments The use of the term dementia dates back to Roman times. The Latin word demens did not originally have the specific connotation that it does today. It meant 'being out of one's mind' and, as such, was a general term for insanity (Pitt, 1987). It was the encylopedist Celsus who first used the word dementia in his De re medicina, published around AD 30. A century later the Cappadocian physician Aretaeus first described senile dementia with the word dotage (i.e., "The dotage which is the calamity of old age...dotage commencing with old age never intermits, but accompanies the patient until death."). Curiously, dementia was mentioned in most systems of psychiatric classification throughout pre-modern times, though the precise meaning of the word is often unclear (Pitt, 1987). Nineteenth Century It can be argued that the origins of the scientific study of dementia date back to the early nineteenth century. The initial steps were undertaken by the great French psychiatrist Pinel at the beginning of that century. Pinel's observations led him to the conclusion that the term dementia should be applied in relation to the "progressive mental changes seen in some idiots" (Pitt,3). Furthermore, Pinel thought that dementia was a distinct abnormal entity, and thus he used the term dementia to designate one of the five classes of mental derangement. However, by applying the term dementia
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Risk assessment for a de novo company in a developing country Essay
Risk assessment for a de novo company in a developing country - Essay Example This report stresses that auto parts are a two-edged sword in China. The world auto parts industry has discovered that, for those parts that have a medium- to high labor cost component, China is an endless supply of inexperienced and relatively skilled labor that can produce their parts. If our joint venture establishes itself, there may be several competitors who follow in quickly behind us. There are no barriers to entry. Franchise value would allow our company to charge a premium over generic auto parts suppliers for the perceived quality of our products. This is our guarantee that foreign and domestic Chinese automobile manufacturers would like to use our product in preference to a commodity-type supplier. There is a danger of copying in China, which is greater than other parts of the world. As in developing countries such as India, copyright laws and enforcement are relatively weak. If an erstwhile competitor would like to copy our product, and even put our name on that product, it may take some time before we would be successful in closing down that company’s copycat products. This paper makes a conclusion that the audit function is not simply an â€Å"after-the-fact†exercise. The company needs to put policies and procedures in place which conform to SEC disclosure rules and US laws about foreign practices. The Board should create a separate China subcommittee, and review on a regular (perhaps quarterly) basis the conformance to these requirements. In addition, the outside auditing firm can recommend additional ‘safety’ measures to insure that the JV complies.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business Relationship and Opportunities in Mexico Research Proposal
Business Relationship and Opportunities in Mexico - Research Proposal Example Mexico is situated in north - western part of Latin America.The ethnic composition of Mexico and the famous identities of its region along with extremely bright culture have been created by the influence of external indigenous and migration of people. The culture of Mexico is also influenced by African and Spanish civilizations. The valuable assets of the region are its rich diversity of varied cultures. For conducting business in Mexican environment, a wide knowledge of its intricate culture and heritage need to be properly understood. For those who want to conduct business in Mexico and make them successful, it is necessary to acquire a clear knowledge of tradition and culture of Mexico. Formal approach of business relations is adopted by Mexicans. They address the business partner with the suitable title. Civility or professional titles are utilized which is followed by a surname. The business meeting starts with the most suitable type of greeting such as warm and positive handshake. This is done both in case of arrival and departure from the meeting regardless of gender or superiority. A vital part of Mexican business procedure includes reliable contacts and connections need to be secured for maintaining the business. For gaining trust and success in business in Mexico, it is essential for the use of ‘personal introductions’ with the help of a common friend or a suitable professional. The negotiations of business are a lengthy procedure in Mexico and exchange of elements is expected. It is also vital to note that Mexican business people are inclined to support business decision as well as proposals based on the level of trust of the individual establis hed with the foreign counterparts. (Communicaid Group Ltd, 2009). 3.0 Mexican Economy The economic pattern of Mexico can be understood by analyzing the sectoral and regional economic pattern of the nation. The recent data of Gross Domestic Product of Mexico shows that the service industry is dominating in the market of Mexico. The service has huge contribution to GDP other than the industrial sector. The industrial sector accounts for slightly more than one fourth of GDP. The manufacturing industries have dominated in the market. There is a strong growth in mining and construction industries in the last eight years. Growth has been particularly high in the areas of metal industries as well as machineries and equipments, indicating a gradual sophistication of the Mexican product portfolio. The textile industry has shown failure in competitiveness which implies that it has grown lower than the average point. Due to rising of manufacturing costs in Mexico, the attractiveness of the cou ntry as a textile producer is losing its sheen. The low-rated countries in Asia and Central America too are capturing amounts of business in large scale. Till now, the efforts of the Government to protect this industry through a moderately protectionist sectoral trade policy have not been capable to prevent this erosion. Mexican region, for the past fourteen years, has not experienced development from the expansion of economic growth. Mexico City, on the other hand, has the benefit of per-capita income of little more than 15.000 USD. In the Southern states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, GDP per capita remains lower than 3.000 USD. The same is relevant for industrialization. The accounts manufacturing is about 30% of GDP in several states in the region of Mexico City and in the North, it remains below 5%. This includes the units of Southern Campeche and Chiapas. The significance
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